Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea

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(The Time Twins, Machia, Kai, Nya, Coral, Ray, Maya, and Wu make it to the Boiling Sea.)

Machia: Destination dead ahead.

Krux: Excellent, Supreme Commander Machia. The final Time Blade will soon be ours.

Machia: Unless this is all a ninja trick to trap us in the middle of nowhere.

Acronix: It had best not be. For his sake. (Points to Wu.) 

Kai: Ugh. We can't do this. We can't let Krux and Acronix force us into getting the last Time Blade for them.

Coral: If we do get the Time Blade but die in the process, Krux and Acronix will never be able to control all of time, but Wu will die. And if we do survive and get the Time Blade then we can cure Wu, but Krux and Acronix might betray us. Not a good decision either way.

Nya: Coral's right. But its reversal power is the only way to undo the effects of the Time Punch on Master Wu. What other choice do we have?

Ray: Time is short and our friend's survival, your Master's survival is at stake.

Maya: Your father's right. Focus on the task at hand. Retrieving the Time Blade will be more dangerous than you can possibly imagine. (Lightning strikes.) 

Kai: I don't get it. Why did you put the Time Blade way out here?

Ray: It was so powerful that Wu knew it had to be hidden somewhere safe. So he asked us to seal it in the ancient Library of Hono Mizu.

Nya: Hono-what now?

Ray: Hono Mizu was once a thriving port town that was consumed by an undersea volcano that buried the city leagues below an impossibly harsh environment. A combination of Fire and Water. The Boiling Sea.

(Jay watches as another Vermillion egg hatches.)

Jay: Ew. No matter how many times you see it, watching those suckers hatch is gross.

Lloyd: Jay! Less watching, more helping!

Jay: You know guys, I was thinking now that we got Ninjago's workers out of here, maybe we should join them.

Lloyd: What about Master Wu?

Jay: He's gone. It's a strategic retreat.

Cole: "Strategic retreat" is just a fancy way of saying "giving up."

Izzy: Maybe so, but I for one don't want to spend another second in this swamp. There's too many snakes. Even for me.

Jay: What do you think, Lloyd? You're the Master-in-Training here.

Lloyd: We need to regroup at the Temple. Zane, cover ice.

(Zane creates an ice dome around the exit of the sewers.) 

Vermillion: Tank squadron, report. (The Vermillion use catapults to throw rocks and start cracking the ice.) 

Lloyd: Quick! Before they get through! (They run towards the Destiny's Shadow but Zane stops)

Zane: One moment. I'm getting a signal.

Jay: Oh, yeah? Does it sound anything like this: "Move your butt, Zane!"

Zane: Cyrus Borg. I must retrieve him.

Cole: Wait. You're totally outnumbered.

Lloyd: He's right. There's like, a million more Vermillion out there.

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