Dead Man's Squall

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(After their bikes fell off the cliff, Zane tries to get Mr. E to talk.)

Zane: Are you the Quiet One? (Mr. E cracks his robotic neck) Are you the Quiet One?! (They attack each other.) Who are you?!? (Zane freezes Mr. E, but he breaks out.) Who? (Mr. E badly damages Zane's arm.) You don't have to do this. (Mr. E kicks him off the cliff) Who... (He shuts down.)

Mr. E: (He opens Zane's chest, puts something inside him, and calls someone.) tes neeb sah part ehT. (He walks away leaving Zane on the ground.) 

(Late that night, the ninja find Zane.)

Lloyd: Zane! Zane, can you hear me?

Nya: What did they do to him?

Jay: Say something, Zane. Can you hear us? Zane?

Lloyd: P.I.X.A.L., lower the gurney. Zane's in bad shape. Hang on, buddy. Hang on. (They put Zane on the gurney and hook him to the bounty.)

Nya: Okay. Winch him up, Pix.

(Later on the bounty, the ninja and Harumi are around Zane's unconscious body.) 

Coral: How bad is it?

P.I.X.A.L.: He has extensive damage to all systems. His neural net and cognitive cores suffered severe failures.

Nya: Can you save him?

P.I.X.A.L.: I've diverted power to critical life functions, but Zane will have to do most of the work. He must reconfigure his system and reboot himself.

Harumi: Isn't there anything we can do?

Lloyd: We have to keep moving or the Sons of Garmadon will find us. They'll do anything to get their hands on the child.

Kai: I just don't get how a baby can be a key.

Cole: I don't either, but that's what they said. They called him the key to the third mask.

Lloyd: If Cole's right, we need to disappear. Get as far away from Ninjago City as we can.

Jay: Hmm. Doesn't seem right. Abandoning Ninjago City.

Lloyd: We're not abandoning. There are others who will protect her.

Kai: Like who?

Nya: There's always Samurai X. Whoever that is.

Izzy: Still want to figure that out myself.

Lloyd: Whoever it is, they're going to have to cover for us until we get a handle on things. P.I.X.A.L., set a new course. Anywhere but here.

(Later in the ninja's sleeping quarters the baby starts crying.)

Izzy: Why couldn't I have asked for hands to cover my ears, when we were at the Cloud Kingdom? Will someone please make him stop?! 

Lloyd: Maybe he's thirsty. Give him some milk. (He hands the baby to Cole.) 

Cole: I tried. He doesn't like milk. (He hands the baby to Kai.) 

Jay: What else do babies drink?

Kai: Don't ask me. Ask him. (He hands the baby to Jay.) 

Cole: He's a baby! He hasn't learned how to talk yet.

Jay: Oh! Maybe he needs a diaper change. (He hands him back to Cole.) 

☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Crystal💎🏹✳حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن