A Fragile Hope

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(In the Castle of Ice, Lloyd and Coral are surprised that Zane is the Ice Emperor.)

Lloyd: Zane? I-I don't understand. 

Coral: How is this possible?

Ice Emperor: What did you call me?

Lloyd: Zane! Your name is Zane! Don't you remember? (He takes a step forward and two Blizzard Warriors block them with their spears.)

Vex: Step back. You are addressing the Ice Emperor.

Lloyd: We came here for you, Zane. We came here to bring you home.

Ice Emperor: This... is my home.

Coral: No. Ninjago is your home.

Ice Emperor: Nin... ja-go?

Lloyd: (He pushes against the spears.) Think, Zane. Try to remember. We were all together. We were fighting Aspheera and... and she banished you with her staff.

Vex: Don't listen to him. He lies!

Lloyd: It's the truth. (He pushes against the spears again.) Zane. You have to remember something! Or... someone. Master Wu, or P.I.X.A.L., or-or... Kai?

Ice Emperor: (Raises an eyebrow.) Who?

Lloyd: Kai! Remember I threw his reds in with your whites and all your clothes turned pink? And you had to dress up as a Pink Ninja? 

Coral: And then when Lloyd accidentally bleached my suit white and I had to dress in your color? Remember?

Ice Emperor: No.

Vex: He seeks to deceive you. To confuse you. Let me deal with him, my Lord. (Bows.)

Lloyd: (He sees the Forbidden Scroll in the Ice Emperor's hand and recalls the moment when Zane was banished to the Never-Realm.) You were holding the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu when it happened. It-It must have corrupted you somehow. How long have you been here, Zane? How long have you been holding that?

Ice Emperor: Many... decades.

Lloyd: (Surprised.) Decades? Time must be different here. I don't understand how but-but... Zane, the Scroll has corrupted you, corrupted your power. 

Coral: You have to put it down! (She and Lloyd try to get closer to the Ice Emperor, but is stopped by the Blizzard Warriors.)

Vex: They seek the scepter!

Lloyd: Don't listen to him, Zane! This isn't you! You're a good person! You're our friend. You have to trust us. Put it down!

Vex: (Turns to the Ice Emperor triumphantly.) See?! They desires it for themselves. (He points at Lloyd.) Seize them! (The Blizzard Warriors point their spears at Lloyd and Coral and advance menacingly, forcing them to back away nervously. Then they try to attack them.)

Lloyd: No! (He leaps through the spears and lands on the ground, standing guard. He kicks one of the Warriors and back-flips. Grimfax approaches behind him, but is quickly thrown to the ground by Coral.) 

(Lloyd grabs the other Warrior's spear and whips him around before leaping past a surprised Vex and lunges at the Ice Emperor, only to be blasted by his corrupted Ice. Lloyd is thrown to the ground and loses consciousness.) 

Lloyd: Ah! Ugh!

Coral: Lloyd! (She turns to face the Emperor.) Zane, we are not your enemies. Try to think! (She runs up to him but the Ice Emperor sends a blast of ice at her and knocks her unconscious too.) 

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