The Traveler's Tree

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(Cole is having a nightmare from when the ninja landed in the Never-Realm. They are currently lying upside down after the crash.)

Past Jay: Aw. Ow.

Past Lloyd: Everyone okay?

Past Coral: No. 

Past Nya: (Stretches, groaning.)

Past Jay: Now I know how my socks feel in the dryer.

Past Kai: I think I swallowed my teeth. (They take off their seatbelts and hop down. Jay falls down, losing Kai's balance.) Ha-Ahh! (They both land on the ground, groaning.)

Cole: Looks like we made it to the Never-Realm. (The Bounty tips slightly.) Ahh!

Past Nya: What was that?

Cole: (He looks out to find a cliff.) We have to get out of here... Now! (He turns around to see the ninja outside of the Land Bounty.) Huh? (He gets ready to jump out, but Lloyd stops him.)

Past Lloyd: Wait! Do you have the Traveler's Tea? So we can get back home?

Cole: What? (The Land Bounty tilts over more.) Ah! Ahh!

Past Lloyd: Cole, we need that tea to get back home, remember? After we find Zane. So do you still have it?

Cole: (Checks himself.) Oh, no!

Past Lloyd: (Chides.) Cole, Cole, Cole.

Past Kai: (Furious.) You let us down, Cole.

Past Jay: (Sternly) It must still be in there! Once you've found it, you can be our friend again. (They nod, snobbishly.)

Cole: Whoa! But, it's about to fall!

Past Kai: You should've thought about that before you lost the tea! (Lloyd nods in agreement.) Go!

Past Izzy: Go on, we're not geting anywhere here. 

Cole: (He turns to see the tea at the front of the Bounty, and steadily makes his way toward it.) Ahh! Oh, boy. Oh, gosh! Please don't fall. Please, please don't fall. (As he reaches the tea, the Land Bounty gives way.) Ahh!

Jay: Cole? Cole, wake up!

Cole: (Wakes up and falls out of his bed.) Whoa-Ahh!

Jay: It's okay, buddy! You're okay!

Cole: (enraged) You!

Jay: Huh?

Cole: I can't believe you did that! You made me go back to the Bounty for the Traveler's Tea, and it fell off a cliff!

Jay: I what...? (He starts brushing his teeth.)

Kai: (Leans over the bunk bed.) Cole, relax, buddy. (Yawns.) It was just a nightmare.

Cole: And you! (Kai's eyes pop open.) You were even worse! You said I let you down! (Kai stares at him, astonished.) Well, it was a mistake, okay?! Sometimes, things just happen!

Jay: Hey, hey, we understand. It's okay.

Cole: (He picks off his armor plate and puts it on himself.) Yeah, right. That's not what you said in my dream! (He glares at them and slams the door.)

Kai: (Sighs and slides back into his bed.) It's too early for this.

Jay: Maybe we should go after him?

☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Crystal💎🏹✳Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora