The Speedway Five-Billion

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(Racer Seven is at Scott's Garage with the others.)

Racer Seven: What is this place?

Scott: My garage. It's protected by a Level 999 Stealth Barrier. Were you followed?

Racer Seven: Who would be following me?

Jay: Those Red Visor guys.

Scott: Unagami's been trying to find this place for years.

Racer Seven: No, I wasn't followed. (She and Scott narrow their eyes at each other.)

Scott: Pull your car in before someone sees it.

Red Visor: (He sees the Racer Seven's Car enter the stealth barrier garage.) Red 29 to Unagami. I have located the ninja. Repeat, I have located the ninja. Send backup.

(Unagami sends in more Red Visors. Meanwhile, inside the garage the ninja talk to Seven.)

Lloyd: Unagami is actually a man named Milton Dyer, a game programmer. He built Prime Empire. He's using it to trap players inside the game.

Nya: The only way to stop Dyer is to get the three Key-Tanas.

Jay: To do that, we need your help. We need to win this race.

Racer Seven: You said I was programmed to lose. But I could break my programming. (Lloyd nods.) What if you're wrong?

Lloyd: I'm not. You can win. You just have to believe in yourself.

Nya: What do you say? Will you help us?

Racer Seven: I'll do it.

(An alarm beeps.)

Scott: Something tripped the motion sensors. (He checks the camera and sees the Red Visors heading towards the garage.) Red Visors!

Kai: How'd they find us? 

Nya: What do we do?

Lloyd: I'll hold them off. You guys get to the racetrack and win that Key-Tana.

Kai: Are you crazy? We're not leaving you here.

Cole: Yeah, no way!

Lloyd: We're out of options! The Speedway starts in five minutes and there are too many to-

Coral: We are not leaving you Lloyd! 

Scott: I'll hold them off. I've been hiding in this garage for 30 years, playing it safe. Time to try out that hero thing.

Kai: You only have one life left, Scott.

Scott: I know, and I want it to count for something. Just promise me you'll beat this game. Find Unagami, and you make him set this right. (He pulls up his inventory and takes out his gun.)

Jay: I promise.

(The Red Visors start shooting the garage.)

Scott: Go!

(Lloyd, Kai, Jay, Nya, Coral, and Racer Seven get in their respective vehicles.)

Cole: Uh... (He hops on the back of Kai's jet.)

Scott: (He opens the garage's doors and the Red Visors stop shooting.) Game on, Unagami. (He exits the garage and starts shooting the Red Visors, then takes cover and sends a toy car at them.)

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