Chapter 46...

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Tae's POV

After my conversation with Jungkook, I got so worried about him and he that no matter how contagious whatsoever he's got I was going to go see him.

I even decided to skip school today,so I could tend to my man.I made him some warm porridge and tea. I told Dan that I wasn't going to school and would just be spending time at home,catching up on some school stuff.

I knew I was going to ask Suga to drive me to Jungkook's house so Dan could take a day off from transport duty

Suga:" Maybe you should let him rest, Tae,

Tae:" No,he's my boyfriend, and I really want to see him. I miss him.

Suga:" Okay,let's go.

Tae:" Thanks so much, hyung.

We drove listening to his songs,which, by the way, are so awesome. He has so much talent. I can't wait to see his career soar higher and higher.

Tae:" You didn't tell him that I was coming over. Did you.

Suga:" No, I didn't. Why?

Tae:" It felt like you were trying to talk me out of seeing him.

Suga:" I am sorry if it came off like that.

Tae:" Hmm

Suga:" Can I ask you a personal question  about Jimin?

Tae:" Sure

Suga:" Did they make up? Him and his ex.

Tae:" He didn't say anything to me about that, so I really don't know.

Suga:" Do you think he's still in love with him?

Tae:" Uh,I don't want to answer such questions, but what I would say is that they've got history. They will reunite or stay friends.

Suga:" Good to know. He's been weird since he came back from Daegu.

Tae:" Weird? Those weren't weird sounds that I heard this morning coming from his room.

We both laugh at what I said, and within minutes, we are parked outside his house . He helps me carry everything I brought along and even opens the front door for me

We are met by Ma2 in the kitchen. She hugs me and looks at what I have.

Tae:" I hope I am not disturbing your kitchen. I just brought some soft porridge for our sick bunny.

Ma2:" What are you talking about?

Tae:" Jungkook, is he home?

Ma2:" Uhm,he was, but you just missed him. He went to the studio.

Tae:" Why is he putting his health in jeopardy like that. I thought the doctor told him to rest.

Ma2:" What are you talking about? Jungkook is healthy, or he is fine. He even had a huge breakfast .

Tae:" He told me that he wasn't okay yesterday. Are you sure?

Ma2:" He's fine, darling,so thoughtful of you to stop by and bring him this.

I take my phone out and call him right away, and he picks up on the third ring.Both Suga and Ma2 are with me, and I pit the phone on speaker .

Tae:" Hey baby,

Jk:" Hi gorgeous,

Tae:" How are you feeling today?

Jk:" I am still under the weather, just going to stay at home,in bed.

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