Chapter 62

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Tae's POV

This shit has got to come to an end at some point,it's really starting to piss me the fuck off. I woke up earlier than Jungkook, I put on my tracksuit and trainers and took a walk with Bam. Suga was awake and decided to walk along with us.

Suga:" What's on your mind?

Tae:" I don't know,every time this guy shows up,something shifts in our relationship.  Sometimes, for the better and like last night, he has the audacity to ask me whether I am hiding something from him.

Suga:" Soekjin has a way of getting under anyone's skin,he is like a disease.

Tae:" I hate the hold he has over him,it's so fucking annoying.  He kept tossing and turning last night. Whatever Soekjin has on Jungkook is bigger than Bam.

Suga:" He was his first love,he had so many plans for them.

Tae:" I understand that,I get that, but he hurt him, didn't he? Isn't Soekjin the reason for Jungkook's hoe phase?

Suga:" Yes,he messed him up.

Tae:" Why is he still around? Why is he still getting a soft reaction out of Jungkook? Why does he affect him so much? Does he still love him?

Suga:" Taehyung, you know he loves you.

Tae:" I am seriously pissed,I am pissed at him for allowing this guy in my life,I am pissed at his parent's for still keeping pictures of the two of them,I am pissed that I can't say anything about it because they 'got' history.  I am pissed that I can't do anything literally.

Suga:" I will talk to him about it

Tae:"I don't want him working with Soekjin. Is that too much to ask for? I am not jealous, I just hate the chasing and shady things he does.

Suga:" Be patient with him, okay? Jungkook is crazy in love with you. I know you are, too.

Tae:" If Minho did half the shit Soekjin gets away with doing,Jungkook would've already left me. Minho is an asshole by the way. If it wasn't for Madison's footage, I would've still been under army's scrutiny.

Suga:" Minho and Soekjin are both maniacs. Anyway,what are the plans for your graduation?

Tae:" Just partying our asses of,I want to get drunk and puke my gutts out.But in all seriousness,Jimin and I always wanted to go to Las Vegas, go to a gay strip club and just live it up.

Suga:" Las Vegas is an absolute big no,no strip clubs either.

Tae:" ( laughing) hyung,we are going. We have been saving up to do that. We are obviously in relationships, so we won't hook up with anyone,but we are going.

Suga:" Oh, we will see about that. Wait until Jungkook hears about this.

Tae:" Argh,we made promises to each other long before we knew that we would be dating idols. If Jungkook continues to work with his ex,I am going to Vegas.  I will get drunk and marry a total stranger by the drive-through.

Suga:" Don't even joke about that. Seriously, don't. I want peace always.

Tae:" Do you think Soekjin will really take Bam from Jungkook?

Suga::" I am sure he wants something.

Tae:" Last time he wanted something, they ended up having dinner,kissing and waking up together . He promised that he wouldn't go after Bam. What does he want?

Suga:" I am not sure, but we are going to find out soon. I am exhausted now. Can we go back?

Tae:" Can I be honest with you?

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