Chapter 34....

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Taehyung is really messing with my head. I've ever only chased after on guy in my life and yet here I am spending the night in a fucking car because I can't accept the fact that he's mad at me and won't speak to me and to add icing to the cake,Dispatch writes a false story about me and now that I am looking at the pictures it does look like I am on a date.

When Suga told Jimin to come out last night he did so and the fucked it outbin his car. I literally had to play music to block out their moans. I am still in the car waiting for any glimpse of my boy and still nothing. I asked Jimin to help me with Tae and he tell me to order breakfast and come to the door in about 30 minutes.

I do as he told me and when the delivery arrives I talk it,fix myself and walk up the stairs and knock on the door and Jimin opens the door and welcomes me in.

Jimin:" Hey buddy,come let me introduce you to my parents

I follow behind him looking at Tae's door which is still closed

Jimin:" Mom ,dad,this is

Dad:" Joen Jungkook---

Mom:" What are you doing here so early in the morning?

Jk:" Oh, I was--

Jimin:" He's a friend guys,please treat him well.

Jk:" It's really nice to meet you,so uh, did  Tae's parents already leave?

They look at each other, and I wonder what that's about.

Dad:" Uh yes, so you brought breakfast?

Jk:" Oh yes, please help ,I can serve some for you.

Mom:" oh its okay. Please have a seat .I will dish up for us.

Where are you, baby? Why aren't you up yet?

Dad:" So,we are in the same room as the global kpop star. Your song,the clean version, is so good. And you made Korea trend everywhere.  So, are you dating anyone?

Mom:" Yes,you know he is. The news is all over social media. Jimin, go wake  Tete to get up.

I look at Jimin and beg him with my eyes to ask me to go, and he actually understands my gesture.

Jimin:" Jungkook, can you please wake him up? You're closer.

Dad:" Lazy ass,I will wake him up. Jungkook, sit you're our guest.

I sit in such a manner that our eyes will meet the minute he walks out,Jimin's dad comes back and tells us that he is on his way. Come on baby, please don't keep me waiting, my heart rate starts rising . He comes out looking so damn cute,I almost forgot we had elders with us. He greets and stops mid-way looking at me and starts to stutter.

Tae:" What -- what are you doing here?

Mom:" He brought breakfast

Tae looks at me and at my clothes and realize that I must've spend the night outside, and he shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

We all sit and eat, and my focus is still on Tae, and he signals to me to stop starring. Jimin's parents are really lovely and kind. I wish I would've met Tae's parents as well.

Dad:" So why the dull mood,bunny not text you good night last night?

Mom:" I still wanna thank Bunny and Suga for the beautiful flowers and the gifts and I wanna meet them both one day

Jk:" Bunny?

Dad:" Yes,Tae's boyfriend

Jk:" Oh really?

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