Chapter 61..

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Tae's POV

It's Saturday, and we are all on our way to go visit Jungkook's parents. We are all coming back tomorrow afternoon because Jimin and I have to get back to Seoul for our final exam paper on Monday

I am super exhausted, just yawning, and truly trying my best to stay awake. Jungkook, on the other hand, is fresh as a daisy.

They rented a seven seater mini bus for all six of us,they didn't want a driver since all six of us can drive. Jungkook is the first to drive, and I am in the front seat next to him.

He kept me up all night,my body hurts,my neck hurts,my lips are swollen,and I just want to sleep so badly but I also want to document this mini trip we are having with our friends. My camera is out,music playing,Hansohee singing out of tune.

Jimin and Suga are looking all loved up.Jimin is resting his head on Suga's shoulder, and while he takes pictures and videos of all of us. I've also noticed hickies on Jimin's neck and a scratch on Suga's neck.

Jhope:" You look exhausted, change seats with me, and you can rest for a while .

Tae:" Thanks,hobie hyung. I am going to do that.

Jk:" I am sorry baby,I will let you rest when we get back.

Tae:"Oh please,I know you're lying.

Hansohee:" Jungkookah,look at him. Why are you bitting him?

Jk:" It's that good,I try really hard to restrain myself from it, but he drives me insane.Its his fault,

Hansohee:" I will help you cover it all up.Your inlaws don't have to see these temporary tattoos

Tae:" I am going to sleep Hanso ,do whatever you want with them.

Hansohee:" Yay.

Jk:" Don't turn him into a fairy, please.

Jhope:" Let her do whatever she wants,you just focus on driving

Hansohee took out her makeup bag and instructed me to lay down on her thighs, and I do.She starts to do whatever she's doing to my

Hansohee:" You have really beautiful skin,I get now why that vampire keeps biting you.

Tae:" Thank you ( eyes closed)

Hansohee:" What's the secret?

Jimin:" Jungkook's cum all over his face

We all burst out laughing,

Tae:" I doubt its that,my mom had really nice skin,my dad suffered from acne.

Jimin:" Ah ,she was so gorgeous with her glass like clear skin.

Tae:" She would've liked all of you,but I bet she would've loved Suga more.

Jimin:" I was gonna say the same thing too. She's always drawn people who act tough but love the most

Suga:" I am tough, baby,

Tae:" We know,but you are passionate about everything you do.

Hansohee:" That's true,they all are, but there is just something about the way you care about your friends and parents is just

Jk:" What about me? You think she wouldn't have loved me?

Tae:" Its obvious that they both would've loved you, baby.

Jk:" I would've loved them too.

Hansohee:" Done,it's all covered up.

I got up and looked in the hand-mirror that she handed to me,and she did a really good job. I am not even sleepy anymore,I look so good.

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