Chapter 25...

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(Three weeks later)

I have never been this content about a content or calm in a relationship.  Yes I know it seems like I am controlling him but I am just trying to prevent mistakes from happening.

Things have been going pretty awesome and I am happy that my friends can keep him company. I also made sure they find the perfect apartment not so far from mine and in a really safe area.

I also organized a moving truck to help with their move even when Tae was against it. He was adamant that they could do everything by themselves but I wouldn't hear of it.

In between moving,test and assignments he still finds time to call me or text me and that makes me miss him even more. It's the final week is America and every time I enter a shop my first thought is always him.

I've noticed that he really likes bracelets and necklaces so I made sure to buy a handful of them for him. He will have to just accept it ,I won't take no for an answer.

On our call last night he told me that this teacher failed him a test he studied so hard for but when he checked with the other students it turned out that he got most of the answers correct and when he confronted the teacher he yelled at him and embarrassed him infront of the whole class. I got so mad and i am going to deal with when I get back.

They have officially moved in today,and Hansohee decided to throw them a house warming party and I strictly told her to keep it small and minimal.  I don't also want them to indulge in alot of alcohol because Tae can hardly finish two glasses of wine.

Apparently things between Jimin and Eunwoo are awkward as Jimins guilt is eating him up and he is avoiding him.

I am going to lunch with the manager and and my dance crew. We were all seated and ordered our meal. We were having an awesome time talking about the dance routine and making fun of each other.

Everything was going well up until I noticed the last person I ever wanted to see again in my life sitting a couple of tables away from ours with his significant other and for the life of me I couldn't look away from how unbothered he looked or how happily he smiled at his partner knowing what he did to me.

I could get up and walk over to them and course a scene but I can't.  He knows something that I don't want the world to find out about. I clenched my teeth and release a breath to calm myself down.

Because of the noise from our table,it's cost him to look in our direction and our eyes met. I couldn't look away,I got stuck looking at him and couldn't look away. He seemed to be taken aback,he says something to his husband and he turns and looks at us and that's when I looked away

My manager looks in the direction I was looking and when he saw them decided to end our meal. We paid for the guys to continue on and just excused ourselves and left the restaurant and got in the car

Mngr:" I am sorry,I didn't see him

Jk:" It's okay,I am okay

Mngr:" He is really unbelievable, he didn't even look scared or surprised to see us

Jk:" He is still undeniably handsome and he looked so fucking happy. It took everything in me to stay calm,I want him to feel even an ounce of the pain he put me through. How is he that happy? Who gives him the right to find his happily ever after,after doing what he did to me?

Mngr:" Breathe Jungkook,he is not worth it.

We get to the hotel and I am so stressed out that I order a bottle of whiskey and ice to be brought to my room and I am taken back to the past.

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