Chapter 16

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to warn you that this is going to be a long chapter so that when I write the next chapter it makes sense. I also added the picture of the sword Asteria.


Armani POV

"What did she want from you?" Thalia asked, Percy.

"Oh, uh, not sure," Percy lied, I guess he didn't want the conversation to be known by everyone. Aphrodite must have told him he was in love with Annabeth or something and that he needed to make a move.

"She warned us about being careful in her husband's junkyard and not to pick anything up or whatever." he said.

Zoe narrowed her eyes, "the goddess of love would not make a special trip to tell thee that. Be careful, Percy. Aphrodite has led many heroes astray."

"For once, I agree with Zoe," Thalia said. "You can't trust Aphrodite."

I wanted to defend Aphrodite, but I couldn't because one that would make it suspicious. I might be living in her cabin at camp, but I haven't gotten claimed by her. But Aphrodite was my friend when I was a goddess, and she really helped me when Apollo wasn't around. She would drag Ariadne and me around to gossip or mingle with the mortals. She distracted me from all the pain he caused me. Aphrodite is a good person, but she is still a god, which means she probably has done more bad than good.

I watched as Grover eyed both Percy and me funny, and I guess it was because of their brain link that he probably knew exactly what Aphrodite talked to Percy about.

"So," Percy began, anxious to change the subject. "How do we get out of here?"

Zoe pointed her finger in a direction, "We must go West."

"How can you tell?" Percy asked, eyeing her weirdly.

Zoe rolled her eyes at Percy as if he said the stupidest thing ever, "Ursa Major is in the north," she said. "Which means that must be west."

She pointed west, then at the northern constellation, which was hard to make out because there were so many other stars.

"Oh, yeah," Percy nodded. "The near thing."

Zoe looked offended, "show some respect. It was a fine bear. A worthy opponent."

It's good that she added the last part because I was about to question everything. Cause calling a bear fine is already questionable enough, but what if the bear was a male? Doesn't that go against your whole no-man-love hunter thing. Anyway, don't mind me and my spontaneous thoughts.

"You act like it was real," Percy snorted.

"Probably because it is dumbass," I said, flicking his forehead.

"Do you always have to hit me to prove a point," he questioned, tending to his wound.

"I love seeing you in pain," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

"Kinky, but I'm not interested in getting hurt," he said, smirking. "Sadist."

I felt my cheeks warm up and out of impulse, I punched him. He just laughed at my reaction wrapping his arm around his neck and messing up my twists.

Grover cleared his throat, which caused us to separate, embarrassed from our little audience as we flirted. Wait...we didn't flirt, we just joked around, but it just felt like or looked like flirting. But it definitely wasn't flirting because why would Percy be flirting with me? Why would I be flirting with him?

"Guys," Grover said, interrupting my thoughts. "Look!"

Looking ahead, we had reached the crest of a junk mountain. Piles of metal objects glinted in the moonlight; broken heads of bronze horses, metal legs from human statues, smashed chariots, tons of shields and swords, along with more modern stuff, like cars that gleamed gold and silver, refrigerators, washing machines and computer monitors.

The Fallen Goddess...PJOHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin