Bonus: Bed-napping

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Armani pov

"Did you just come to my house to lie in my bed?" Percy asked, standing beside his bed as I lay in it, covered in his blue sheets that smelled like the ocean.

"Yeah," I replied, breathing in the calm ocean scent. "I was bored at home and I felt like taking a nap."

"So you came to my house to take a nap in my bed," he stated, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Yep," I nodded, getting more comfortable. "Now, shush. I'm tired and I want a nice hour nap."

It was silent for a moment until Percy pounced, trapping me between his knees. He lunged forward, his fingers wiggling as he aimed for my sides, tickling me relentlessly.

I squealed and squirmed as Percy's fingers danced across my ribs, causing me to burst into a fit of giggles. I tried to push him away, but he was too strong and determined, his fingers finding all my ticklish spots.

"Percy, stop!" I gasped between laughs, cheeks aching from the laughter.

"That's what you get for stealing my bed," he said, continuing to tickle me with a mischievous grin.

"Okay...okay...I'm sorry," I apologized between laughs, trying to catch my breath.

"Sorry, for what?" he asked, flashing me a playful grin.

"Sorry for this," I said, reaching for the nearest pillow and whacking it against his head.

"Hey!" Percy laughed, trying to shield himself from the pillow assault.

I managed to escape his tickle attack and we engaged in a playful pillow fight, laughing and teasing each other as we tossed pillows back and forth.

Eventually, I grew tired from the laughter and it seemed Percy noticed because he tackled me back into the bed, falling on top of me. He didn't try to support himself this time, so he placed all his weight on me.

"Ahh, get off me," I groaned, trying to push him off.

"Nah, I think I'm gonna take a nap here," he said, a smirk evident in his voice.

"Get off, you're crushing me down here," I joked, trying to wriggle out from under him.

"Did you just call me fat?" Percy lifted himself by his elbows on either side of my face, giving me a mock hurt expression.

"Well, duh, you're like double my size, fat-ass" I retorted, trying to catch my breath.

"Rude," Percy chuckled, rolling off to the side and laying beside me.

We lay there in comfortable silence, the only sound being our breathing as we tried to catch our breath after the playful scuffle.

"Great, now I'm not tired anymore," I groaned, feeling the adrenaline from the playful wrestling, fixing my messed-up ponytail.

Percy grinned, turning towards me. "Wanna go skateboarding?"

"You mean, I go and watch you skateboard," I teased.

"Come on, Armani. You should at least try it. It's fun," he said, flashing me his big, pleading seal-puppy eyes.

"Ugh, that's cheating," I said, trying to resist his puppy-dog eyes.

"Please," he said, giving me the full effect of his puppy-dog eyes.

"Fine. Fine, but if you drop my ass, you're dead," I said, laughing as I got up from the bed.

We quickly grabbed his skateboard and headed out to the park, the afternoon sun shining down on us as we laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Despite the earlier playful antics, there was a comfortable ease between us as we skated and joked around, the warm, happy atmosphere filling the air.

Third person

Sally returned home to an unusually quiet house, which struck her as odd. Whenever Armani was around, the house was usually alive with their playful arguments, movie marathons, or Armani's occasional video game rage.

"Percy...Armani?" Sally called out, receiving only silence in response. Growing more concerned, she continued to call their names as she made her way down the hallway towards their rooms. The door to Percy's room was slightly ajar, catching her attention.

"Percy?" she said softly, pushing the door open to reveal the unexpected sight before her. Armani was sprawled out on her stomach, peacefully asleep, while Percy's head was resting on her back, his body facing upwards and limbs spread out, drooling slightly onto the bed.

Sally couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the adorable and somewhat comical scene. She wondered how they could possibly find this position comfortable for sleeping. Pulling out her phone from her purse, she quickly snapped a photo, making a mental note to send it to Armani's mother later for a good laugh.

After capturing the moment, Sally retrieved a blanket from the nearby chair, gently draping it over the sleeping duo to keep them warm. Smiling to herself, she quietly exited the room, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

As she made her way back to the living room, Sally couldn't shake the warmth in her heart at the sight of her son and his best friend peacefully asleep. It was moments like these that reminded her of the deep bond between Armani and Percy, a bond that transcended friendship and maybe something more. But that is a story for another day.

With a contented sigh, Sally settled onto the couch, flipping through a magazine as she waited for the pair to wake up. The house remained quiet, but now it was filled with a serene tranquility, a peacefulness that only comes from the presence of loved ones nearby.

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