Chapter 7

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Percy Pov

The world around me felt like it was spinning around out of control. Things that were once stable, like Chiron always being at camo and Thalia's tree standing tall, were now shattered. The safe haven we once knew as camp was now filled with danger, and the thought that Armani, my best friend, was going to face these dangers was terrifying. She wasn't supposed to be here. She was supposed to be safe, living a normal life. Yet here she was, caught up in the chaos that had enveloped our world.

"I don't know what to do," I muttered, the words barely escaping my lips. "Everything is moving so fast, and the most unexpected things are happening."

Annabeth's voice broke through my thoughts, shaky and apologetic. Her eyes were swollen from tears, a stark contrast to her usual composed self. "Hey Percy, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you mad, but Tyson was the only hope against the bulls."

I felt a surge of anger at the situation, at Kronos and Luke for causing all this pain. Thalia's tree, a symbol of hope and protection, was now poisoned. "I know, Annabeth. I'm sorry too. You were just trying to help," I replied, trying to quell the rising emotions within me.

She sadly smiled, her expression a mix of sorrow and resignation. "I'll see you around, seaweed brain," she said softly before turning away.

As I watched her go, my gaze shifted towards the strawberry fields where the sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. Beside me, Armani stood with a blank expression, her eyes fixed on the horizon. I could sense the weight of our conversation with Chiron still lingering in the air. Guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. Armani was never meant to be a part of this world, and it was my fault she was here. If anything happened to her, I knew I could never forgive myself.

Suddenly, she turned to me with a small, cheeky smile, breaking the heavy silence. "So that's horse man, huh? I didn't expect him to be so brooding and negative," she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

I couldn't help but chuckle, despite the weight on my chest. This was Armani, finding humor even in the darkest of situations. "I'm sorry, Armani. This is all my fault. You're not supposed to be here," I said, my voice laced with regret.

"Percy, don't apologize," she said, her voice surprisingly calm. "You didn't know this would happen. I don't think any of us saw this coming, except maybe horse man. And like he said, or didn't say, I'm supposed to be here, so I guess you can say it's fate."

Her words offered a small comfort, but the guilt still gnawed at me. The sound of the conch horn interrupted our conversation, signaling dinner time. I guided Armani to the Pavilion and introduced her to Silena, her temporary cabin counselor. After offering a quick prayer to the gods, I made my way to the dinner table, the weight of responsibility heavy on my shoulders.

"Well, well, if it isn't Peter Johnson. My millennium is complete." said Mr.D from the head table.

I gritted my teeth. "Percy Jackson...sir"

Mr.D waved his hand indicating that he doesn't care while sipping his Diet Coke. "Yes. Well, as you young people say these days, whatever."

Mr.D was wearing his usual leopard-pattern Hawaiian shirt, brown khaki shorts and flats. With his beer belly and red face, he looked like a Las Vegas tourist, who stayed up all night. Next to him, where Chiron usually sat, was someone I had never seen before—a pale, horribly thin man in an orange prisoner jumpsuit. He had shadows under his eyes, dirty fingers, and badly cut gray hair. He stared at me; his eyes angry, frustrated and hungry. I gulped.

"This boy," Dionysus told him, pointing at me. Oh boy. "You need to watch. Poseidon's child."

"Ah!" the prisoner said. "That one." His tone made it obvious that he and Dionysus had already talked about me.

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