Chapter 3

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"Percy, wake up.", I said barely above a whisper.

My mornings don't usually start like this, but ever since Percy and I found out we're going to the same school, our parents thought it would be great if we went together. Now here I stand in Percy's messy blue room. It's not the most picturesque sight, with clothes scattered across the floor, Marvel posters on the walls and a small window that leads to the fire escape. A typical boy's room.

"Perseus Jackson, wake up", I called out louder, annoyance seeping into my tone. When he didn't stir, irritation bubbled up inside me. Honestly, I should be getting used to this, but I can't and we can't be late again or we will get in trouble. And I honestly don't want to go to after-school detention.

"Perseus Jackson, I swear to God if you don't wake up right now, I'm gonna beat up your ass."

"5 more minutes mom", he mumbled, rolling over and attempting to go back to sleep.

That was the last straw. I grabbed his blanket and yanked it away, causing him to slam his head on the floor as he stood up, clearly angry. But when he saw my expression, his anger melted away, he gulped and awkwardly muttered, "Hey Mani, you look great."I stood there unimpressed by his compliment. "Get ready, you have 10 minutes," I snapped, storming out of his room and slamming the door behind me.

As I made my way down the hall, I found Sally in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. She greeted me with a gentle smile. " Were you able to wake him up?"

"Yeah, but i had to practically drag his ass out of it," I grumbled, plopping down on the couch. Sally shot me a disapproving look at my choice of words, and I sheepishly apologized, "Sorry, Sally."

She chuckled and continued bustling around the Kitchen. "Make sure both of you grab something to eat before you leave, and lock the doors behind you. I'll be waiting in the car."

"Thanks, Sally, you're the best," I called out as she disappeared down the hall.

Twenty minutes passed, and we were finally on the road. I sat in the passenger seat while Percy took the back. Thankfully, there was no traffic; otherwise, I might have actually killed Jackson.

"I don't know why we woke up this early if we were going to arrive at school on time" Percy complained, his tone getting on my nerves. I turned around, slightly irritated. "No, you're just lucky there wasn't any traffic because I gave you 10 minutes, and you added an extra ten."

"Well, I would have finished in ten minutes if you didn't throw me on the floor.", he retorted in a petty tone.

"That would've not happened if you actually set an alarm like I told you too," I shot back.

Before Percy could respond, his mom interjected, " Both of you shut up or I will drop you off right here, and you will walk the rest of the way to school."

"Sorry, mom/ Ms Jackson" we both apologized.

The rest of the car ride was quiet, with only the sound of the radio and the honking of cars filling the air. Glancing in the rearview mirror, I saw Percy looking out the window, seemingly relaxed. I took the opportunity to check out his outfit: a plain red shirt, a grey zip-up hoodie, black jeans, and his usual black converse. I, on the other hand, was wearing a grey quarter zip up, black leggings and my trusty high tops.

As we reached the school entrance, Sally stopped us. "Hey, Percy, I just wanted to say that this is a new school year, so things are going to be different. Don't hate the school immediately, try to enjoy your normal life and stop worrying about camp," she said lovingly.

Percy looked away and grumbled, "Fine."

"And now that Armani knows about the other world, make sure you protect her from the monsters," Sally warned, to which Percy nodded in agreement.

Then, turning to me, she added, "Make sure you keep him out of trouble and stay safe."

"Of course, Sally," I replied with a nod.

Exiting the car, we entered the bustling school hallways filled with students chatting around their lockers. Percy and I had different classes: biology for me and English for him. With the bell ringing, signaling five minutes until class, I quickly gave Percy a side hug. "I guess I'll see you at gym class. Try to focus and don't fall asleep," I teased before heading off.

Third Pov

Percy Jackson struggled to focus in English class, his ADHD and dyslexia making it difficult to concentrate on the lesson. As he absentmindedly flipped through his notebook, he discovered doodles in the margins—violent messages from his friend Armani, urging him to stay awake and pay attention. Despite himself, Percy smiled at her cleverness, wondering how she managed to slip them past him unnoticed.

The bell signaling the end of class interrupted his thoughts, and Percy headed to his locker, where he witnessed Tyson being bullied by Matt Sloan, the resident bully of Meriweather Prep, and his lackeys.

Annoyed by the scene, Percy stepped forward. "Hey, Sloan, leave him alone," he warned, his tone firm.

Sloan sneered. "Well, if it isn't Percy Jackson, here to play hero for your retarded friend."

Ignoring the jibe, Percy shot back, "Talking about yourself again, Sloan? You know you shouldn't project your insecurities onto others."

Sloan's fingers curled around Percy's shirt, his grip tightening, as he raised his other hand menacingly, "Well Jackson, you just earned yourself a beating," he sneered.

Percy's gaze locked with Sloan's, his eyes flashing with a dangerous intensity. A storm brewed within their depths, conveying a silent warning that sent a shiver down Sloan's spine. The mere thought of backing down in the face of Percy's silent threat ignited a surge of anger within him, fueling his determination to assert dominance.

Just as Sloan prepared to unleash his fury,a commanding voice sliced through the tension.

"Let him go, Sloan."

Both Percy and Sloan turned to see Armani, her black braids pulled back in a ponytail, standing with her arms crossed and a fierce glare aimed at Sloan.

Sloan released Percy, throwing him into the lockers, the metallic clang reverberated through the corridor, angering Armani more.

With a cocky smirk, Sloan advanced toward Armani, emitting a wolfish whistle. "Armani, babe, you keep getting hotter every time I see you.". Percy's clenched his fists at his sides, a surge of anger coursing through him.

Armani's face contorted in a grimace as Sloan invaded her personal space, his arm outstretched in an attempt to encircle her. She gracefully sidestepped, evading his grasp with practiced ease. "Watch it, Sloan. I don't date bullies, and I'm definitely not interested." Her voice laced with steel, her eyes flashing with defiance.

As Armani walked away, Percy and Tyson followed, the tension in his muscles gradually easing, He cast a smug glance back at Sloan and his goons. Before Sloan could retort, the sound of the bell echoed through the corridor.

As they made their way to the locker room, Percy's thoughts were interrupted by a girls voice calling his name. He turned to Armani, assuming it was her, only to be met with a confused gaze. "Armani, did you say my name?"

Armani furrowed her brow, confusion etched across her features " No. Are you okay? Is something wrong?" she whispered the last part, as her eyes glanced around the room.

Percy forced a smile, trying to calm her nerves to show that there is danger," Yeah, I'm good. Must have been my imagination". She continued to eye him and then decide to let it go as they headed towards the gym for PE (AKA dodgeball day, AKA death by Matt Sloan).

The Fallen Goddess...PJOOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant