Chapter 14

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Armani Pov

I woke up to alarm bells ringing throughout the ship and I heard the captain yell, "All hands on deck! Find lady Clarisse! Where is that girl?" I quickly grabbed my dagger and longsword, as I quickly made my way to the deck.

"What's going on?" I asked, standing next to Annabeth and Tyson. Percy must still be asleep down below even with all this noise.

"We are approaching the entrance." The captain replied.

"The entrance to what?" I asked the ghost.

"The Sea of Monsters, of course." Okay, I just got used to the sea sickness, now I have to get used to battling monsters on sea. I should've grabbed my bow instead.

It seems that sleeping beauty woke up, while minus the beauty part. He looked really pale and sick in the face, with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong? Another dream?" I asked him. Annabeth eyed the both of us with her arms closed, "Another?"

He didn't say anything and just nodded his head, it must have been a really bad dream. I hope it doesn't involve the quest. Clarisse soon joined us coming up the stairs after Percy. She grabbed a pair of binoculars from a zombie officer and peered toward the horizon. "At last. Captain, full steam ahead!" Why do demigods love running towards danger? Don't yall love your lives.

I looked in the same direction as Clarisse was, but I couldn't see much. The sky was overcast, the air hazy and humid. If I squinted real hard, I could just make out a couple of dark fuzzy spots in the distance. The engine groaned in the distance as we increased speed.

"Too much strain on pistons. Not meant for deep water." Tyson muttered nervously. I wasn't sure what Tyson meant, but all I could understand is that this might not last that long. After a few more minutes, the dark spots ahead came into focus. To the north, a huge mass of rock rose out the sea–an island with cliffs at least a hundred feet tall. About half a mile south of that, the other patch of darkness was a storm brewing. The sky and sea clashed together in a roaring mass.

My will

I would like to:

donate my clothes to charity.

Return my allowance back to mother

Return all my borrowed (stolen) movies and hoodies back to Percy (since he might survive cuz of his dad and all)

I want to be buried on a cliff facing New York City. I would also–

"Hurricane?" Annabeth asked, her voice bringing me out of my thoughts.

"No," Clarisse answered, "Charybdis."

Annabeth paled, "Are you crazy?"

"Only way into the Sea of monsters. Straight between Charybdis and her sister Scylla." Clarisse pointed to the top of the cliffs, and I got the feeling something lived up there that I did not want to meet.

"What do you mean the only way!?" Percy frantically asked. "The sea is wide open! Just sail around them." I sighed and shook my head disappointed in his proposition.

Clarisse rolled her eyes, "Don't you know anything? If I tried to sail around them, they would just appear in my path again. If you want to get into the Sea of Monsters, you have to sail through them."

"What about the clashing rocks?" Annabeth questioned the daughter of Ares, "that's another gateway. Jason used it."

"I can't blow apart rocks with my cannons," Clarisse replied, "Monsters, on the other hand..."

I threw my hands in the air and placed them on my head, "I knew it, you're crazy and we're doomed. We're gonna d–"

"We're not going to die, newbie. Just shut up and get comfortable because we're in for a long ride." Clarisse said, smirking. "Watch and learn, Blondie." Clarisse told Annabeth and turned to the captain and yelled, "Set course for Charybdis!"

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