Chapter 17

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Percy pov

You know, when they said I was gonna get a makeover, I was expecting a glow up like the glow up everyone gets at a certain age. And here I was about to get hotter by a thousand not turn into a freakin guinea pig. Don't get me wrong guinea pigs are cute and all, but being one isn't that comfy.

All I could was wait desperately hoping that my friends would return and save him from this predicament. But how would they even know? I have no idea. I was one of many guinea pigs in the cage, who have also fallen for C.C. makeover scheme.

I was squealing, scratching and biting at the bars like crazy when the door opened and when I saw Armani and Annabeth walk in, everything in the world stopped moving, including me. My tiny eyes widened and my mouth fell open in awe. I was pretty sure I was drooling.

They looked different, like a good different. I'm not saying they don't usually look good but like they looked gorgeous and suddenly the cage started to feel crowded and hot. Can guinea pigs even sweat or get hot?

Annabeth wore a white long dress that complemented her perfectly. Her blond hair was pulled back in two braids with silver thread woven in, and her eyes seemed to sparkle more than usual. She didn't wear makeup, but it only enhanced her natural beauty, giving her an almost angelic appearance. She looked a lot like her mother, but happier.

Turning to look at Armani, my heart skipped a beat. If I didn't know she was a mortal, I might have mistaken her for a goddess. She was glowing, whether from the sun or the gold glitter on her skin, I couldn't tell. Her white dress flowed gracefully to her ankles, hugging her body in all the right places. The color seemed to make her skin glow with a golden hue, and her hair was tied back with some left flowing and the two curls in the front, just made her look really cute right now. Armani rarely wore makeup, but the natural look she had now was captivating, and her lips looked really attractive right now.

I mentally slapped myself and stopped myself right there. This was my best friend. I wasn't supposed to be thinking about her lips like that. But with both of them radiating such beauty and vitality, it was hard not to notice and for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off Armani. Maybe it was because I'd known Armani my whole life, but seeing her dressed up like this was something entirely new. She had always been pretty, but tonight she was on a whole other level.

It took me a moment to snap out of my trance, until Annabeth's voice brought me back to reality. "Alright, which one are you?"

I butted my head into the bars several times in hope's she'd get the message of who I was, and apparently it worked because Armani elbowed Annabeth and pointed to me, who nodded at left, so maybe it did not work then.

Annabeth ran towards my pants and started rummaging my pockets. She pulled out the bottle of Hermes multivitamins and took one and handed some to Armani, just before Circe came back into the room.

"Well," Circe sighed. "How fast a minute passes. What is your answer, my dear?"

"How about..." Armani thought, stroking her chin to be more dramatic. "No." she said, grabbing her dagger, as Annabeth did the same.

Circe sneered, "really, ladies. I thought you were smarter than this. A knife against my magic? She raised her hand and blue fire coiled out from her fingers.

"What shall your makeover be?" Circe mused, "something small and ill-tempered. I know...a shrew!" the blue fire curled like serpents around Annabeth. Armani sprang toward her, but it was already too late the energy quickly dissipated, which resulted in smoke. When the smoke cloud disappeared Annabeth was still Annabeth, only angrier. She leaped forward and stuck the point of her knife against Circe.

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