Chapter 6

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Armani pov

"About time. He's soooo lazy during the winter." Artemis muttered.

"You're, um, waiting for sunrise," Percy asked.

"For my brother. Yes." Artemis answered.

It's like the fates really hate my guts and want to see me suffering. Talking to Artemis was hard enough, but now I have to meet the man who led me to my downfall in less than a few months.

"It's not exactly as you think," Artemis said. By Percy's freaked-out expression, I assume she was answering his silent questions.

"Oh okay," Percy muttered. "So, it's not like he'll be pulling up in a—"

There was a sudden burst of light on the horizon and a blast of warmth.

"Don't look," Artemis advised. "Not until he parks"

"Parks?" Percy said confused.

I averted my eyes, as the light and warmth intensified, but all I felt was dread and coldness. This light that used to make me flustered and safe in its warmth now felt cold.

When the light finally died, I opened my eyes and looked. There was a red convertible Maserati Spyder parked in all its glory. The snow had melted around the Maserati in a perfect circle, which explained why I was now standing on green grass.

Apollo got out of the car, smiling his famous charming smile. The ones he placed on for everyone to see, but they weren't the smiles I remembered, they weren't the sincere ones he used to show me. I started to feel light-headed, and my stomach felt ached. I felt sick.

I quickly shook my head from those thoughts. That was a long time ago, Armani. You're happier, you're stronger, and you're not the same girl you used to be.

He looked about eighteen, with sandy blonde hair and outdoorsy good looks. He wore jeans, loafers and a sleeveless shirt. He kind of looked like Luke.

"Wow," Thalia muttered. "Apollo is hot."

I winced and wrinkled my nose in distaste.

"He's the sun god," Percy deadpanned.

"I don't think that's what she meant," I muttered softly, scared that if I talked any louder he would recognize my voice. If he remembered...

"Hey, little sister!" Apollo called. "What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!"

Artemis sighed, "I'm fine, Apollo. I am not your little sister."

"Hey, I was born first."

"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to argue—"

"So what's up?" He interrupted. "Got the girls with you, I see. You all need some archery tips?"

I see someone was enjoying life even when their wife was dead.

Artemis gritted her teeth, " I need a favor. I have some hunting to do, alone. I need you to take my companions to camp half-blood."

"Sure, sis!" Then he raised his hands in a stop-everything gesture. "I feel haiku coming on."

As he read the Haiku, I slowly drowned from the conversation. He hadn't changed, even after I died. Apollo was still the same after all these years: charming, flirty, and cocky.

"Green grass breaks—"

I drowned myself away from the conversation, as the sick feeling grew stronger. The sound of his voice was resonating in my head, haunting me. My hair jumped, and goosebumps started to form on my arms. It broke me out of my daze, and I realized that he was closer. All of my senses were screaming at me, telling me to run.

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