Chapter 12

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Armani pov

I'm too young to die. I'm too young to die. I'm too young to die. I'm too young to die.

"Thermos!" Percy screamed as we landed harshly on the water.

"What?" Annabeth asked, looking at him like he lost his mind. She was holding on to the boat straps for her dear life, her blond hair flying straight up, she looked crazy. If we weren't hurling towards the water, I would've taken a picture.

But it seemed like Tyson was the only person who understood Percy. He managed to open Percy's duffel bag and take out Hermes's magical thermos without losing his grip on it or the boat. I managed to keep my footing and I hooked my feet securely under the boat's inflatable bench.

Percy grabbed the thermos and I hoped he knew what he wad doing. He tugged on my arm to sit down. "Hang on!"

"Yes, Captain!" I managed to salute him, even while falling to our possible death, which amazed him. Percy rolled his eyes as he smiled at me, "tightly!" He hooked his feet and Tyson grabbed all three of us by the backs of our shirts, while Percy gave the thermos cap a quarter turn.

Instantly, a white sheet of wind jetted out the thermos and propelled them sideways, turning their downward plummet into a forty-five-degree crash landing. The wind seemed to laugh as it shot from the thermos like it was glad to be free. As we hit the ocean, we bumped once, twice, skipping like a stone. Then we were whizzing along like a speed boat, salt water slapped me right in my face.

A wail outrage sounded from the ship behind us, but the small life raft was already out of weapon range. The Princess Andromeda faded to the size of a white toy boat in the distance, and then it was gone.


After our one-sided conversation with Chiron via Iris message, where the music blasting on the centaur's side drowned out most of our attempts at communication, I found myself lost in my thoughts, staring out at the sea. Doubts crept in, filling my mind with a nauseating sickness, or maybe it was just the seasickness kicking in. The weight of this quest pressed heavily on my shoulders. I worried about our safety, the odds of success, and what the future held for me. It seemed like everyone knew more about me than I did about myself. First the crazy taxi sisters, then Chiron, Hermes, and Luke–who is the bad guy. His hold over me is dangerous and I can't help but feel uneasy.

"What's wrong?" Percy's voice broke through my thoughts as he sat down next to me, his concern evident. "Is this about what Luke said? Because if it is, we will figure it out together." He extended his fist toward me.

I couldn't help but feel grateful for Percy. He's a loyal friend, and that's what worries me. Luke's words about Percy's unwavering loyalty echoed in my mind, and it made me understand the weight of the promises Percy might make on my behalf, no matter the consequences.

I moved to meet his fist with mine, but at the last moment, I decided to palm his fist instead. "Don't worry, Ocean eyes. I'm just a little seasick," I lied (well I didn't technically lie because I'm a little seasick). I'm sorry Percy. I know we said no secrets but I'm worried about what you'll promise to do; it might get you killed. If gods are so scared every time they see me, then whatever I am might really be is dangerous.

"You can never be serious. I'm trying to comfort you here." Percy chuckled as he pulled his fist back. "And what did I say about calling me 'Ocean eyes'?"

I rolled my eyes and giggled, but rolling my eyes seemed to make the nauseousness worse, and Percy noticed that.

"How about you get some rest," Percy suggested.

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