Part II: Their Story

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Armani Pov

Apollo had fallen in love many times after we got married, but they weren't very serious. He would always leave them after a few months or a year. Well, except for two of his greatest loves; Daphne, the Princess of Koronis and Huntress Kyrene. Yes, there were others, but these were his greatest, the ones I feared the most.

Today, I watched from the window of our mansion as Apollo had yet again fallen for another mortal. As an immortal, these things were normal. It was common for gods and goddesses to fall in love with mortals and spend some time with them before returning to Olympus or their true lovers. I was the exception, the anomaly because I stayed loyal. Well, it wasn't so much about loyalty as it was the fact that I couldn't fall in love with anyone else. My love for Apollo was so strong and consuming that there was no space in my heart for another.

Our love had endured through the ages because he always came back to me. But this time was different, Apollo didn't return. Usually, he would disappear for a few months or even a year, but it had been four years now. There he lay with Hyacinths under the sun, laughing and talking the way we used to. For centuries, my love with Apollo had evolved. We no longer talked or laughed as freely as we once did. The adventures we used to embark on together, the songs we sang, the dances we shared, they all seemed like distant memories now. Yes, we loved each other, but it felt like we weren't truly in love anymore. At least, not on his end. Even when he loved someone else... I'll always be here in case.

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Apollo lay in my arms, his body trembling with grief and guilt. Tears streamed down his face as he muttered brokenly, "I killed him, Armani. It's all my fault."

I held him close, my heart aching for the pain he was enduring. "It wasn't your fault, my love," I whispered, trying to soothe him as I wiped away his tears. This wasn't the first tragedy we had faced together, but each time it felt just as raw, just as devastating. And yet, here I was, once again piecing him back together, holding him together with all the love I had.

Apollo had experienced heartbreak before, tragedies that had shattered him. And now, he was broken once more. I knew the weight of his guilt, the burden of feeling responsible for another's death. But I also knew that he needed me, needed my reassurance that he was not alone in his pain.

I continued to hold him, my fingers tracing soothing patterns on his back. "As long as you don't forget him and your love for him," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sure that would make him happy, especially since you honored his death by turning him into a beautiful flower. One that no one will ever forget."

Apollo's sobs gradually subsided, his breathing evening out as he clung to me. At that moment, it didn't matter how many times he had hurt me or how many times we had faced tragedy together. All that mattered was that we were together, holding each other close in our shared grief and love. And as the sun set outside, casting a warm glow over us, I knew that we would face whatever came our way, as long as we faced it together.


"Armani, I broke the law," Apollo's voice trembled with fear and regret as he spoke, his eyes wide with panic. "I brought him back to life. What do I do? I already got in trouble before... this might be Zeus's final straw..."

I could see the fear in his eyes, the weight of his mistake bearing down on him. "But he will surely kill me this time, Armani," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper now, filled with dread.

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