Chapter 1

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Armani pov

"Aya! Sally and Percy are going to be here in a few minutes!" my mom's voice echoed up the stairs, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Got it, Mom!" I hollered back, hurrying to get ready. I quickly ran through my mental checklist:

Ambrosia: check
Sword: check
Dagger: check
Bandages: check
Extra jacket: check
Extra clothes and necessities: Check

I nodded to myself, satisfied that I had everything I needed. Glancing at the mirror, I checked my outfit. I had opted for thermal leggings layered under black ripped jeans, paired with a long-sleeve fitted gray top. My passion twists, a cascade of natural curls, fell past my shoulders.

Heading downstairs, I found my mom in the kitchen, preparing snacks for our guests. She turned around with a warm smile when she heard me enter. My mom was a black woman who exuded strength and elegance, even in her casual attire of sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Hey, here are some snacks for you, Percy, and Sally," she said, walking over and handing me the bag of treats. "Remember, don't be rude and don't hide them, or I'll have to ask Sally if she got them," she added with a playful wink. "And please be careful out there. Watch out for monsters, and, you know, your life."

I chuckled, giving her a reassuring hug. "Mom, I'll be fine. Don't worry."

"I know, but this demigod stuff... it's a lot," she admitted, her voice filled with concern. "I'm just not ready to lose you."

I squeezed her hand gently. "You won't lose me. I promise. And if anything happens, I'll just use Percy as my shield," I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

She laughed, the sound filling the kitchen. "Don't do that. He's my favorite," she teased back.

"I'm your child!" I protested with a mock frown.

"And that's why you're my second favorite," she teased, giving me a playful shove towards the door. "Now go on, they're waiting for you."

I slipped on my black puffer jacket and headed outside, the crisp air hitting me as I stepped onto the porch. I spotted Percy's familiar black Camaro parked on the street and made my way over. Opening the front door, I found Percy sitting in the driver's seat. He groaned, getting up and moving to the backseat.

"Stop bullying Percy, Aya!" my mom called out from the porch, a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. To which, Percy smirked and stuck his tongue at me.

"Hey, Mrs. Smith," Percy greeted politely as I got into the car. "You look great this morning." What a shapeshifter, this boy just went from childish to polite. Always trying to seem like a good-mannered kid in front of my mom.

"Thank you, dear. As a little gift, I made some blue waffles. Aya has some snacks for you and Sally in her bag," my mom informed him, her voice carrying easily to the car.

"Thank you, Mrs. Smith. You're the best," Percy said, rummaging through my bag for the snacks. I rolled my eyes at his antics and settled into the car.

"Hey, Angela!" Sally's cheerful voice greeted me from the driver's seat.

"Hey, Sally! It's been too long," my mom replied, stepping off the porch to chat with Sally through the open window.

"Definitely! After I drop these kids off, we should plan a girls' trip. Catch up and all," Sally suggested with a smile.

"We should! Call me when you drop them off and when you get back," my mom said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Sounds like a plan!" Sally agreed, starting the car. "We'll catch up later, Angela."

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