Chapter 1

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Life is a strange journey, twisting and turning like the streets of New York City. We're born into this world, innocent and naive, but as time passes, the innocence fades, replaced by the harsh realities of life. Armani knows this all too well, her youthful optimism tempered by the wisdom of experience.

Welcome to the vibrant chaos of New York City, where the rhythm of life beats as relentlessly as the traffic on its crowded streets. For Armani, this city is both her playground and her battleground—a place where dreams are chased and broken, where every alleyway holds a secret and every stranger a story.

Amidst the noise of honking horns and bustling crowds, Armani emerges, a beacon of resilience amidst the chaos. With her bronze-golden skin glowing in the sunlight and her braids dancing in the breeze, she navigates the concrete jungle with grace that belies her years.

Determined and unyielding, Armani is a force to be reckoned with—a modern-day warrior with a heart as fierce as the city she calls home. As she pauses at the threshold of Athena's Pages, the old bookstore nestled amidst the urban sprawl, she feels a sense of both fear and curiosity stirring within her.

With a hesitant breath, Armani reached out for the door, drawn by an aura of familiarity tinged with pain and fear. Confused by these emotions, each step heavier than the last, as if the world itself were warning of the truths that awaited within.

"Armani '' a voice broke through her trance, as she turned to see Percy Jackson approaching with his trademark lopsided grin. His messy black curls framed his face, and his sea-green eyes sparkled with mischief. Armani couldn't help but smile in return.

"Hey Jackson, you're late," she teased, her smirk playful as she watched him catch his breath.

Percy straightened up, his favorite blue hoodie contrasting with his faded jeans. Armani's outfit matched the theme, a blue crop top paired with black ripped jeans and high-top sneakers.

"Actually, I'm right on time. You're just early, as usual," Percy retorted with a grin, lifting his arm to peek through his unruly hair.

Armani chuckled, brushing his hair out his face. " You need to get a haircut, Jackson. I can barely see your eyes"

He lightly smacked her hands away, as he stood and smirked, "You just say that because you wanted to see my eyes." I laughed and punched his arm, " you wish, Jackson."

He mockingly rubbed his arm where she had punched him." Ow! How many times do I have to tell you? You punch really hard"

Rolling her eyes, Armani replied walking ahead of him, "Oh stop being a baby. We probably missed our chance to get the best seats. Now hurry up before we are late for the movie."

"Hey! We're matching" Percy exclaimed, pointing out our identical blue outfits as he caught up to me.

"You just noticed, "I deadpanned, giving him a playful look. "Hey, I was more focused on trying to catch my breath. Plus, the clothing matches the mood. We are literally going to watch Finding Nemo!" He squealed, his excitement visible. "Woah, calm down, princess. We haven't even gotten to the theater yet"

As they continued down the bustling streets of New York City, Armani couldn't help but share in Percy's excitement. The rhythm of the city pulsed around them, the energy of the crowds mingling with the anticipation of their movie outing.

With Percy by her side, Armani's steps felt lighter, her worries and the store forgotten in the warmth of his company. Despite the chaos of the city, she felt a sense of peace.

As they approached the theater, Armani's heart raced with anticipation. She could already imagine herself immersed in the world of "Finding Nemo," laughing at the antics of Marlin and Dory as they searched for Nemo in the vast ocean.

Inside the theater lobby, Armani's senses were overwhelmed by the familiar sights and smells of movie magic. The scent of buttered popcorn mingled with the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pretzels, while the sound of excited chatter filled the air.

Joining the queue to purchase tickets, Armani couldn't contain her excitement. She glanced over at Percy, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she observed his animated gestures and playful banter with the cashier. At that moment, she felt a profound sense of gratitude for his friendship, for the way he effortlessly brought lightness and joy into her life.

As they finally received their tickets and made their way towards the theater entrance, Armani felt a surge of anticipation coursing through her veins. This wasn't just about watching a movie—it was about sharing a moment of pure happiness with someone who mattered to her.

Taking her seat beside Percy in the dimly lit theater, Armani felt a sense of contentment wash over her. As the lights dimmed and the familiar strains of the movie's theme song filled the air, she knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be.

After the movie, Armani and Percy found themselves in the corner of their favorite café. It was a small family-owned establishment that served (the best) Mexican dishes, including Percy's favorite: blue food. Despite the odd choice of food, the café held a special place in their hearts—it was conveniently located between their houses and had become their go-to spot for catching up.

"That movie was amazing," Percy remarked, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

Armani grinned teasingly, "Especially when you started crying like a baby."

Percy raised his hands in a surrender motion.''Hey, you can't blame me. That movie was pretty emotional. Plus, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one crying. I saw some eighteen-year-olds in there crying too."

Their banter was interrupted by the arrival of the owner's daughter, a beautiful Hispanic girl with a contagious dimpled smile. "Hey kiddos, y'all dating yet", she teased them.

"OMG, Sophia, how many times do we have to tell you that we're just friends." Armani laughed.

"Whatever you say, kiddos", Sophia chuckled before taking our orders and disappearing into the kitchen.

As they waited for their food, Armani couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She knew there was something Percy wasn't telling her, something serious enough to land him on the news.

"Okay, enough of the distractions," Armani said, cutting through the light-hearted atmosphere. "What happened, Percy? Why were you on the news, where have you been" You better tell me the truth, Jackson, or God help me, I will force it out of you."

Percy hesitated, his expression fraught with fear and guilt." Armani, I can't... I want to tell you, but I can't"

Armani's patience wore thin. "You can't, or you won't, Jackson?" I got up ready to leave, after paying. "Please, it's been a month now. You asked for space and I gave it to you, but you also promised to tell me." She looked straight into his eyes, waiting for something, anything.

Frustration bubbling beneath the surface, Armani rose from her seat, ready to leave. Percy reached out, grabbing her wrist in a desperate attempt to stop her.

"Wait, fine," he relented. "Just don't leave. I'll tell you everything, I promise."

With a heavy sigh, Armani reluctantly sat back down. "Well, go on," she said, her tone a mixture of impatience and concern.

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