32. Super fun

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Third pov

Bella and Elizabeth had spent the whole day together and when Vincenzo went to get her ready for bed Bella asked him to tell her more about him and Mommy. Bella was sick for the rest of the week but finally, she would get to go back to school and meet Aiden. 

"Dad, have we arrived yet?" Bella inquired with impatience.

"Soon," Vincenzo would reply, the same response each time Bella inquired if they had arrived. Having just dropped off his sons, he was en route to take Bella to preschool for the day. It would also be an opportunity for him to meet this boy of a friend that Bella has.

They arrived at the preschool and parked the car within five minutes. Vincenzo assisted Bella with her seat belt, and then they walked together toward the building's entrance.

Bella was eager to introduce her dad to Aiden and wanted to invite him over to play today. She saw Aiden walking away from a car and quickly ran up to greet him.

"Aiden, Aiden, Aiden!" Bella exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the boy. Initially, he recoiled, unprepared for the embrace, but then returned the hug upon recognizing her.

"Bella, are you okay? I was really worried," Aiden said, his concern evident as he stepped back from the hug to inspect her for any injuries.

"I had a high fever, but I'm okay now," Bella said, looking up at the tall boy in front of her. "Plus, now you can meet my dad." Bella walked away for a few seconds, then returned, pulling along a handsome man in a black suit.

Bella introduced them to each other: "Aiden, Dad. Dad, Aiden." They exchanged glances, and Aiden seemed quite uncomfortable.

"What is your last name?" Vincenzo asked Aidan, sounding as if he recognized him from somewhere.

Bella, however, seemed not to notice that Vincenzo had asked Aiden a question, as she began speaking in an excited tone. "Dad, can Aiden come over to play after school?"

Vincenzo was not particularly keen on Bella spending time with this boy, but he appears to make his daughter happy, so what can he really do? A father's greatest wish is for his daughter's happiness, isn't it? "I suppose it's alright if Aiden's parents are okay with it."

"Thank you! Aiden, could you ask your parents if you want?" Bella inquired.

Aiden's parents weren't present, but he promptly excused himself and walked over to his nanny.

"May I play with Bella after school?" Aiden asked as nicely as he could.

"Is that the girl you were just talking to?" Andrea, Aiden's nanny, asked in a sharp tone. The little boy slowly nodded.

"I mean fine her dad looks rich," Andrea whispered to herself. "I guess that should be fine. I will come around 7 p.m and get you"

Aiden walked back to Bella and told her that he could come over today. Bella got super excited and started jumping around in excitement.

"We're gonna have super fun!"


Hi everyone hope you have had a great night/day! I'm very sorry for the short chapter but I need to get your opinion on something.

I have finished working on my book cover for my next book but I can't decide which one of the two I should use. Personally, I like the second one more but I would like you guys to decide.

 Personally, I like the second one more but I would like you guys to decide

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 Should I use the first one or the second one?

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