24. Answers

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Third pov

When it became night all the kids went to sleep leaving the adults to be alone.

Vincenzo took this as his chance to tell the family some good news. "I found him"

The family was very confuesd wondering who he found but Elisabeth jumped up on her feet. "Oh it's time to have some fun"

"What are you talking about, who did you find?" Antonio asked clearly confused.

"I had a meeting with some weird man and in the meeting he bought his child with him. The kid were sitting in an dark corner the whole meeting but in the end i asked them to introduce themselves. Thats when i got a look at their face. It was Bella. She even said her name was Bella. Me and Elijah made them stay a little longer and get something to drink so we could get a DNA test. That's when we could officially confirm she was my daughter. Later when it became night me and my team went to his house. It was filled of empty bear bottles everywhere. I found Bella and took her home and put the disgusting Druggie in one of our worst werehouses. I didn't think he was that important until some weeks ago. Bella was hurt. And it wasn't an accident. The guys name is Jack Lopez. The guy that hurt our Bella her whole life. The cazzo escaped the where house but i found him"

"Woah. Thats - Very much to take in" Adriano said while taking a deep breath.

"Where" Was the only word Francesco said to his oldest son.

Fransesco really care for Bella even tho he doesn't show it much. Everytime he talked to her or a person besides her he would soften his voice without even noticing.

"In the basement" Vincenzo answered his father.

Fransesco walked towards the stairs that lead down to the basement while all the other adult walked behind him.

Inside the basement were two cells. One was empty and in the other one was an ugly man, sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, blindfolded.

Vincenzo went up to the sell and unlocked the door. Jack pulled his head up still blindfolded.

"Who are you! Why am I here!" Jack yelled.

Francesco chuckled. Everyone that heard Francesco chuckle got goosebumps.

"You know what you did!" Elisabeth said loudly.

The man was still clueless of what he did. Jack had done really many stuff in his life so what would they kidnap him for?

Vincenzo ordered one of his guards to take of the blindfold. At first Jack squinted with his eyes trying to get used to the light. Than he saw the people in front of him and got scared. Throughout the years more people had gone missing and dying. Than the rumors about the Russo family torturing people that hurt or betrayed them.

"I haven't done anyhting please" Jack begged them.

"How did you get your filthy hands on my granddaughter" Francesco said in av even colder voice.

"W-what are you talking about" Jack cried.

"You took my daughter away from us!" Elisabeth yelled.

Jack started to put pieces together and knew he was dying today. "So what! Shes just an kid who can't do anything by herself. I had fun playing with her" Jack got cocky because he knew he ain't coming out of here alive.

Elisabeth punched him hard in the face.

"I have a question need you to answer" Vincenzo said. "How did you get her"

Vincenzo was planing to give him a punishment if he doesn't answer.

"I know im dying today so im not gonna answer you question thank you" Jack said cocky.

Vincenzo walked up to him and put a knife in his tigh. Jack screamed his life out. The basement is also soundproof so the kids won't wake up.

"Fine! Fine! A guy sold her to me. He told me that she was worth money!" Jack told them the truth.

Everyone knew that Bella was worth money and thats one of the many reasons they want to protect her as much as possible.

The family didn't want to waste more time so they started to have sme fun with jack. The ladies went first because it's always ladies first and the Russo men are gentlemens when it comes to their queens.

The girls started punishing Jack with belts, knifes and boiling hot water. They didwdidn't ant to kill him just yet. He needs to feel pain and only pain before he dies.

The guys turn came and they were way more violent. They cut of finger nails, toes and then some knife here and there in his body.

They all knew he would die soon but Jack decided to say his last words "Stop-" He tried to catch his breath while groaning in pain. "Before I die me. I know something you shoud know to" He continued panting but he could only say one more word before he actually died. "Black-"


Happy international women's day! Do you have a women you really look up to or think did something really good that helped the world. I think it's super brave of the women who stood up for us in the past. If they hadn't done that, perhaps racism and slavery would still exist. Maybe women still wouldn't be able to go to school or vote and decide things.

You can't spell hero without her.

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