29. Dark

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Third pov

When Bella arrived home, she immediately ran to her mother to tell her about her new friend, Aiden.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Bella yelled out for her mother.

 "Hi, princess!"Elisabeth hugged her daughter tightly and said affectionately. 

"I made a friend," Bella said suddenly whispering.

"That's amazing, baby!" Elisabeth exclaimed. "But why are we whispering?"

"It's a secret," Bella whispered again, and Elisabeth nodded. "It's a boy! His name is Aiden."

"Oooh, you definitely can't tell Daddy that," Elisabeth warned her daughter. She knew that Vincenzo was very protective of Bella and might not approve of her hanging out with a boy.

"Why not?" Bella asked with a slightly sad tone. 

Before Elisabeth could answer Bellas's question Vincenzo and his sons entered the kitchen, he noticed that Bella sounded sad and asked her why.

"Will you be angry if I had a boy as a friend?" Bella asked her dad.

"Is that friend of yours a boy?" Vincenzo asked suspiciously.

"Maybe?" asked Bella with an innocent tone.

Vincenzo wasn't pleased with Bella having a male friend, but he accepted it as long as she was happy, safe, and not dating.

"I guess it's okay, as long as you don't get a boyfriend, okay?" Vincenzo told his daughter.


Upon waking the next day, Bella immediately sensed something was wrong. A severe pounding in her head and a sense of dizziness overwhelmed her. 

Her family asked her what was wrong many times but she just said that everything was fine. Bella just really wanted to see Aiden today.

Currently, Vincenzo is driving his kids to school, while Elisabeth had to head to work early today due to a meeting about a new dress she is releasing.

"Dad, Bella is asleep," Matthew informed his father.

"Let her sleep; I'll wake her up when we arrive."

After Vincenzo had dropped off his sons, it was time to wake Bella so she could head to preschool.

"Bella, baby, it's time to wake up," Vincenzo said as he gently roused his daughter.

"I want to sleep," Bella mumbled, her eyes still closed.

"If you're that tired, baby, I could take you to my office for a little while," Vincenzo offered her a choice.

"No! I want to see Aiden," Bella said, opening her eyes.

The moment she spotted Aiden in the classroom, she rushed over and enveloped him in a big hug. Aiden halted abruptly and stood frozen.

Bella pulled away, her face etched with concern. "What's wrong? I'm sorry if you didn't want a hug. I'm so sorry," Bella apologized quickly.

"No, no, it's fine; I just wasn't ready," Aiden stuttered.

Before Bella could respond, Miss Honey entered and requested everyone to take their seats. The lesson proceeded quietly as it seemed everyone was somewhat exhausted. Bella was on the verge of dozing off without realizing it, her head throbbing intensely and a wave of nausea overcoming her.

"Are you okay, Bella?" Aiden whispered, concern evident in his voice.

Bella shook her head while closing her eyes again.

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