10. Our Bella

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Vincenzo's pov
I just woke up and the time is around 8 am.

Looking down on the bed I see my beautiful Bella lying in my arms sleeping.

I decided to text my love a little morning text so I took my phone from the nightstand besides the bed and texted her.

Good Morning love.

Good Morning honey is everything ok?

Yes everything's more than ok.

I started wondering if I should send a photo of me and Bella so she could start fixing Bella's room at home without the boys knowing.

I took a photo of me and Bella Cuddling and sent it to her.


Immediately she called me and I tried my best being quiet so Bella won't wake up.

"Who is that?"Elisabeth said on the other line.

"Our Bella" I answered.

"No. please tell me this isn't a joke" She said in disbelief.

"It's her. I found her" I told her.
Just then I felt Bella starting to wake up so I told Elizabeth to not tell the boys and that I will call in just a minute.

"Good morning baby how are you?" I asked.

Bella just looked up at me like she forgot who I were and then like she remembered again she just nodded.

"You know how I told you that you have a mom and brothers yesterday?" I said waiting for a response to know she's knowing what I'm talking about.

After some time she nodded so I continued to talk.

"I were just talking to her on the phone and told her that I found you. She didn't really believe it because she loves you and we're scared that I was joking. So could we call her together on FaceTime"

I don't think she knows what FaceTime is but she eventually nodded.

I unlocked my phone again and called her but on FaceTime this time.

"I swear if I find out your joking Vincenzo I'm gon-" She didn't get to finish because I switched camera positions so she could se Bella.

Elisabeth let out a gasp of disbelief while Bella leaned closer to me and tried to be quiet but Elisabeth heard her.

"Shes pwetty"

She started to cry and I wish I could comfort her so badly but I know I can't.

"Why is she cwying"

"Because I thought I wouldn't get to se you again" Elisabeth answered for me.

Bella didn't say anything else but just sat their watching her mother.

"Love can you keep this a secret and get her room done?" I asked.

She nodded and I told her how I found Bella and we talked some more before we bid our goodbyes for now.

"Ok Bella we need to get to the airplane so we can get home to our family but do you have anything at the house you were living in that you want to take with you. You don't need to take clothes with you we will get you a lot of new clothes but is it anything you want to take with you?" I asked.

She nodded so we started to pack our bags and went to the car. We still don't have a car seat for Bella so my driver got to drive us while Bella sat in my lap.

We got to her old house and I still can't believe she lived here. The house is like torn apart and has mold on the roof.

We went out of the car and some of my guards followed us for safety.

I put Bella down on the ground so she could show me what she wanted to take with her.

She started walking into the house but I saw that she struggled to walk a lot so I offered her my hand so she wouldn't fall.

We walked inside the house and she seemed to stop in her tracks but gripped my hand harder while standing closer to me.

"It's ok baby it's just us in here."

She started walking again but kept me close to her all the time.

Suddenly we stopped outside the door we're I found Bella in the first place.

I noticed that she were looking at me and first I didn't get why but then I noticed that she can't reach the door handle.

I chuckled and said sorry before opening the door.

We both walked inside the basement and because of the light from the door I didn't have to get my flashlight on my phone out to see something.

The only things that were inside the room were a mattress and a little teddy bear. Bella walked to the brown little teddy bear and picked it up.

She then walked back to me and said

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She then walked back to me and said. "This is Mr. Teddy. Teddy this is my weal daddy"

My heart melted when she called me daddy. This is the first time she called me her dad.

"Hello Mr. Teddy" I said.

Suddenly when I took a closer look and the teddy bear I noticed that it looked familiar.

Then it hit me. This is the teddy bear Bella's brothers gave her the day she were born. She have kept it this hole time.

"Do you wanna know something?" I asked.

She nodded while hugging her teddy. 

"Your brothers gave you that teddy the day you were born." I told her.

She started giggling and we both walked to the stairs that leads up from the basement so I picked her up and carried her to the car.

Hi everyone here is a pretty longer chapter hope you like it. :)

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