09. A story

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Vincenzo's Pov

We've been sitting in silence for around 10 minutes just because I don't know how to start.

Finally I gain courage to tell her.
"Ok so I'm gonna tell you a story and I need you to listen carefully ok?" I started.

She just nodded so I began telling her the story.

"Once upon a time a king and a queen got to know that they were going to get a little princess. The queen was pregnant. They had already had 3 princess so they were all super happy. But when the princess was born she got taken away by bad people. And her family looked everywhere for her but couldn't find her. They were very sad and thought of their princess everyday. Until one day. When the king went to take care of some business. And guess who he found?"

"The princess?" She asked quietly.

"Yes! And do you know who that princess is?" I then asked.

She shook her head.

"You! Your the princess." I told her.

"I'm a princess?" She asked shocked.

"Your my princess. I'm the king" I then told her if she hadn't understood that yet.

"If your a king were is your crown?" She then asked.

I chuckled. "I'm not that kind of king"

"Weiwd" she mumbled.

I started to laugh a little bit but then I got serious again.

"You know you can trust me and I will never hurt you ok" I told her.

"you can ask me anything"

She seemed to give in because she then asked me "But who is father then"

That made my blood boil. She's calling her kidnapper Father.
I'm her fucking dad.

"Like I told you before.  He took you away from me and your family. I'm your real dad. Who you can trust with your life. Your my princess" I told her.

"So you'we my r-real dad?" She asked trying hard to pronounce the R.

"Yes and I'm gonna take you home to your family" I promised.

"Now you know who I am but I wanna know some things about you"

"What you wanna know" she asked while swinging her legs down the bed.

"Just simple things. Like what your favourite colour and food is" I told her.

" Colour, Blue. Food donno" she answered.

"Then I have to show you my famous pasta"


We have been talking and getting to know each other for an hour or two and I can se that Bella is getting tired.

"Ok time for bed" I told her.

"Noooo" she wined.

"Yeeeeees" I mocked her.

I picked her up and took her to the bathroom.

I fixed her tooth brush and told her to open her mouth.

She opened up and I started brushing her teeth.

When we were done I picked her up again and took her to bed.

We both laid down on the bed in silence until i asked her.

" can I hug you"

She hummed so I pulled her to my chest and she snuggled more under the quilt.

Tonight I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Hi guys I'm sorry for the late update I were going to upload this some days ago but I have exams to study to so I didn't have time.

I'm gonna try to get going with this story I know it's going a bit slow.

Anyway what book are you currently reading if your reading something. I myself have just started reading King of Wrath.

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