28. Aiden

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Third pov

Bella found out that the teacher in front of her was called Miss Honey. She seemed nice, Bella thought.

The girl and boy kept whispering and laughing while looking at Bella. She wanted to know what was so funny but didn't dare to say anything. The other boy at the table didn't say anything, he just sat there quietly.

When Miss Honey dismissed the class and they all went to the school yard to play. Bella didn't have anyone to play with so she just tried her best to hopscotch.

The girl and the boy who sat and laughed before now stood and looked at Bella while talking to each other. Suddenly they came up to her and the girl pushed her down onto the ground.

"Why d-did you do that?" Bella asked. The girl and boy both laughed at her stuttering.

"B-B-because" She taunted back.

Before Bella could say anything else the boys that she had never heard talking stepped in front of her.

"Back of Stephanie"

"And what if I don't" Stephanie sassed.

"Im gonna do this" With that the boy pushed Stephanie onto the ground. He than turned around and put his hand out for Bella to take.

"Aiden" Bella took the boy's hand. "Bella"

"Thank you" Bella then thanked the boy.

"It's okay. They always pick on the new kids" Aiden told her.

"W-Would you like t-to be my f-friend" Bella were really nervous asking him to be her friend. She have never had a real friend. Sure her brothers are her friends but they're also her family.

Aiden seemed suprised by her question. "You wanna be friends with me?" He asked.

Bella nodded in response with a smile on her face.

"Aww look at them. two losers becoming friends. How cute" The boy that were friends with Stephanie said.

"Bella. Would you do me the honour to go swinging?" Aiden asked ignoring the boys comment.

Bella giggled at his words and blushed as Aiden took out his hand for her to take. When Bella took his hand he smiled like never before.

Together the two kids went swinging but Aiden was pushing Bella on the swing and then Bella were pushing Aiden on the swing.

Some time later it was time for the next lesson. Bella and Aiden still sat at the same table as Stephanie and the boy. Aiden told Bella that the evil boys name was Alex. Or his real name is Alexander but no one calls him that but his father.

The lesson was boring, Bella thought. She coudn't understand what was happening. They were saying numbers but she didn't know wich ones.

After what she thought was math it was time for lunch. Bella was for ones excited to eat. Or she more just wanted to talk to Aiden and play.

Aden showed Bella an empty table and sat down. Bella's mother had put some food in her bag for her to eat. Aiden tho didn't have any food with him. Bella thought that was odd because all the other kids had food with them.

"Don't you have food?" Bella asked him.

Aiden shook his head.

"Here. you can have some of mine" Bella separated her food so she and Aiden got the same amout.

"It's your food Bella. You shouldn't give it to me" Aiden protested.

"No. I want you to have it"

Aiden eventually accepted the food. He thought it was really good. Bella liked to see Aiden smile. His smile was really pretty.

After lunch it was time for recess. Bella and Aiden played around and Aiden told Bella the names of their classmates. He also told her wich teachers to look out for and those who are kind and caring.

One teacher Bella didn't like was Mr. Dilton. He were strict and old school. 

At the end of the preeschool day Bella was actually sad. Bella had finally found a friend and she doesn't want to let him go.

Bella and Aiden were right now standing outside the preeschool wating for their parents. Miss Honey had let the kids go earlier today so now they were just waiting.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Bella asked looking up at the boy. Aiden was one year older than Bella but in the preeschool they have kids from four to five in the same classes. 

"Of course you will" Aiden smiled at the girl.

"Oh look my dad is here" Bella pointed at her dads car that was now parked in the parking lot.

"I will see you tomorrow then" Aiden gave Bella a little peek on her cheek making her blush and giggle. 

Bella said goodbye to the boys before they both went their own ways.

Vincenzo stood leaning against his car with his expensive black suit on. All the ladies coming to pick up their kids were practically drooling at him. Vincenzo didn't pay them any mind tho. He has his queen. No one can replace her.

When Vincenzo saw Bella he immediately smile and hugged her. "Hi princess. How was your first day?"  

"Fun" Bella answered.

"Just fun?" Vincenzo asked.

"I got a friend!" Bella than said excitedly.

Vincenzo walked with Bella and put her in the car before answering. "You did! Now who is this friend of your huh?"

Vincenzo wont make Bella un-friend the person she just became friends with but he just wants to know who it is for her safety.

Bella thought it would be fun to keep her new friend a little secret so she shook her head not saying anything while her dad started the car and drove away from the parking lot.

They didn't need to drive for long before stopping outside the school to pick up Bella's brothers.

When they stopped the car they could see Greyson, Lorenzo and Matthew walking towards the car. Greyson was talking to someone that seemed to be around his age.

Lorenzo were the first one to go inside the car. "Bella how was your day?"

"Fun" She replied with the same answer as before.

"Well did you get any friends?" Matthew asked going inside the car.

Bella didn't answer so Vincenzo replied instead. "She said yes but won't tell me who"

"Well can you tell me who?" Grayson asked now sitting in the car too.

Bella shook her head, not giving them the answer that they want. 

Vincenzo started the car and the family continued to try and get Bella to tell them who she became friends with.


First when I was thinking of what to write in this  chapter I didn't think Aiden would exist. But here we are.

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