14. Grayson

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Third pov

It was the first night for Bella in a new house. With her real family. In a real bed.

You would think that it would be the best night in her life. But really it's not.

In the middle of the night Bella jolts up awake, sweaty and with tears on her face. She had an nightmare.

It was about John throwing her against the wall. But on the wall we're some random photo inside a frame with very sharp edges. Bella got one of the edges on the side of her stomach. After the fight John took her to a hospital because her wound needed to be stitched up.

After Bella understood she wasn't with him anymore she hugged her teddy bear and just cried quietly.

When Bella understood she wouldn't fall back asleep so she took her teddy bear and tried her best to jump down her bed.

It was a bit difficult but eventually she got down and started walking out of her room.

She remembered the man that told her to call him dad that she could go into his room if she wanted.

The honey problem was that Bella doesn't remember with door that lead to his room.

She decided to go left and go to the second door. It was a big G on the door.

Bella could almost reach the door handle with her head but it was still some centimetres left maybe even an inch.

She knocked on the door two times with her small knuckles. No answer. She knocked again. This time she heard a groan and some footsteps.

Grayson had went to sleep guilty but still angry. He really wants to be kind to his little sister. But he's scared if she will leave them again. He knows he never really knew her and it wasn't her fault that she got kidnapped.

Grayson doesn't really know himself why he's angry but he just is.

Suddenly he woke up by a knock on the door. 

He let out a groan before standing up and walking towards the door.

Grayson opened the door slightly to look at who it was.

First he were confused because he didn't se anyone but then he looked down and saw Bella.

He wondered why she would be knocking at his door 3 am with a teddy bear.

"What are you doing here" Grayson asked but with some sympathy inside his words.

Bella sniffed before starting to tell him why she's here quietly. "D-dad told m-me t-to come to hi-him"

Grayson understood what his dad had told her and let her inside his room.

It's dark in the corridor outside his room and he doesn't want Bella wondering around in the dark without knowing where she is.

Graysons room is mostly dark blue. In the corner of the room is Graysons bed with dark blue covers, a tv in front of the bed, desk besides the bed and in the middle of the room is mostly just random stuff and a cough against a wall.

"You can sleep in my bed I will sleep on the couch" Grayson said.

Bella slowly walked towards the bed but she couldn't get up on the bed because she were to short.

She looked back at the couch to see if Grayson still were awake to find him laying on his couch with a blanket and eyes closed.

Bella didn't want to sleep on the floor so she went to the couch quietly and gently touched Greysons arms so he could wake up.

He mumbled something before opening his eyes and just staring at her.

"Why did you wake me up. Again" he asked.

Bella pointed at the bed. "Can't g-get up"

Grayson wanted to laugh at how cute Bella were but didn't. Instead he picked her up and carried her to his bed.

He put her down with her head on his pillow and pulled the covers over her.

Bella hugged her teddy tightly shivering under the cold covers.

Grayson started to walk back to the couch but Bella got some feeling of comfort in his presence. So she stopped him. "C-can you" she stopped herself from talking and pointed at the other side of the bed.

"Do you want me to sleep besides you?" Grayson asked.

"I-if you w-want to" Bella mumbled.

Grayson saw that Bella were nervous asking and he wouldn't say no to that, so he agreed.

Grayson got onto the bed and laid down besides her and pulled the cover over him too.

They both tried to sleep but Grayson kept thinking if he should ask Bella to cuddle or not. He usually sleep with an stuffed animal but nobody knows about that.

"Bella" he whispered.

Bella stirred around a bit but she opened her eyes eventually.

"Can I cuddle you?" Grayson asked.

Bella just nodded trying to sleep again.

Grayson pulled her close and closed his eyes going to sleep.

Even tho he just met Bella he already knows that he will always do anything to keep her safe and happy.
A bit longer chapter today. I know it was kinda just about how Bella woke up and accidentally walking into the wrong room.
I just thought that it was good for their relationship.

Anyway anyone else loving the good song that came out 19 January.

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