The Speedway Five-Billion

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Red Visor 2: Huh? (The toy car explodes, destroying the Red Visors. More Red Visors emerge and head towards Scott.)

Racer Seven: Let's go. (She and the ninja buckle their seat belts and head to the Speedway. The Red Visors start shooting at them, but they miss.)

Scott: Hey! (He distracts the Visors' by attacking them, but he is shot and cubed.)

Jay: No! No. (He and the others head towards the Speedway Five-Billion.)

Red 29: (To Unagami.) We have eliminated the threat known as Scott.

Unagami: What about the ninja?

Red 29: They escaped. They are on their way to the Speedway. We require vehicles. (Unagami summons three cars while an aerial drone picks up Scott's Energy Cube.)

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen! Robots and beasts and racers of all kinds! Welcome to the main event, the most dangerous race in all of Prime Empire. The Speedway Five-Billion! (The audience cheers.) And the prize is... That's right. A Key-Tana! But who will take the prize home? Let's meet our contestants. First up, the ever-popular Whack Rats! The Chrome Domes! The Ballistic Missiles! And lastly... Wait, what's this? I'm being told we're one team short. That's right, the Fast Chickens are a no-show. (A chicken wearing a soda guzzler squawks in protest.) What do we think of that, folks? (The audience boos, and they throw their soda bottles at the screen. The Admin Droid flies towards the starting line.) But the Speedway waits for no one! So let's get started. On your mark, get set, go! (The Admin Droid fires a gun and the racers speed off.) Holy Loot-Box! We've got a last-minute arrival! (The ninja and Racer Seven enter the race track, with Red Visors following.) The Fast Chickens are in the house! And it looks like they've got company. Red Visors in pursuit. I'd say that's against the rules, but it's the Speedway. There are no rules.

Cole: (Screams.) Why did I choose to ride on the back of a jet?!

(A Whack Rat throws a bomb at a Chrome Dome's Lightning Offroader. The Chrome Dome crashes to a Katana 4x4. Jay and Lloyd dodge the crash.)

Jay: Whoa! (A Ballistic Missile shoots a Quad Bike with his missiles. The Quad Bike gets destroyed. The Ballistic Missile crashes into a wall. Jay gets close to Ritchie.)

Ritchie: Ninja!

Jay: Ritchie!

Ritchie: That's Mister Ritchie to you! (He throws a bomb at Jay. Jay dodges it and it hits a Lightning Offroader instead. The Lightning Offroader crashes into two of the Katana 4x4.)

Announcer: There's another vehicle down and out, as we pass the second-mile marker with the Whack Rats in first, and the Fast Chickens in last.

(Three Red Visors attempt to sandwich Nya until she brakes, causing them to crash into each other. She then accelerates and knocks two Red Visors off the track, and laughs.)

Ritchie: Ah, loot box! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! (His vehicle gains a wrecking ball, and he causes a racer to crash.)

Kai: Look out, Cole! Wrecking ball!

Cole: (He leaps to avoid it, but ends up grabbing onto the chain.) Aah! Help! (He lands on Ritchie's car and throws him out, taking it for himself.) Loot box. Loot box!

Kai: I've got it. I've got it! (He obtains it.) Nothing happened. What kind of loot box is - whoa! (His mech jet turns into a mech.) Woo hoo! (He sweeps a racer off the track.)

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