Chapter 271-280

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Chapter 271 Honghui is back

In fact, some potatoes have been planted in Shandong and Qinghai in recent years. They are growing well and are very popular among the people. When Kangxi saw it, he took the nationwide promotion to his heart. This was a matter that benefited the country and the people, and naturally it had to be handled by prudent people.

Brother Si was very interested in this job after he received it, and even Lanhui felt his enthusiasm. In the past few years, Lanhui has been digging out excellent species from the space, such as corn to increase yields, Qing Dynasty rice optimized with space water and soil... and some vegetables such as tomatoes.

She was also thinking about waiting for the fourth prince to ascend the throne before developing hybrid rice. Now that Kangxi was still there, she did not dare to make too big a move. The fourth prince's contribution could not be less, but too much would not be enough. Therefore, we have to keep the hybrid rice seeds properly and plant some in space every year to ensure that some fresh seeds are retained.

This time Si Age was in charge of potato promotion nationwide, and Lan Hui was very concerned about it. She originally wanted to create an agricultural newspaper to facilitate local governments to teach farmers about planting precautions. However, the newspaper matter is also very complicated. Lan Hui asked Fei Yanggu. Although Fei Yanggu admired the newspaper, he did not agree with it now, so Lan Hui could only spread it through word of mouth. How could the idea be unintentional? I discussed it with my fourth brother.

But I have to say that Lan Hui underestimated Si Age's ability. Si Age didn't use Lan Hui for 'pointers' at all. After taking over the errand, he asked Kangxi for an order. He invited some officials from the Ministry of Industry who specialize in potato cultivation and pest and disease protection, and also invited officials from Shandong and Qinghai. Some farmers who were particularly good at growing potatoes were assigned to various parts of the country to teach people in various places how to grow potatoes.

Now that the "experts" have given personal guidance, potatoes in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Shanxi, Anhui and other places have grown smoothly. Except for the fertile black land in the Northeast, which is still closed to the outside world, the rest of the land that can be cultivated is basically planted with potatoes. The famine that was going to happen in Fujian in April of the 50th year of Kangxi was all because of the transfer from Shandong. of potatoes and survived smoothly, avoiding a peasant uprising consisting of thousands of people.

The fourth elder brother became busy, and all the New Year matters fell on Lan Hui. From the December Festival on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month to the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, all festival arrangements and celebrations were arranged by Lan Hui. Fortunately, Jiaqi was very capable, and with the help of a skilled Jing Yao, Lan Hui was able to make all the arrangements. Spend some time with Primary 4, Primary 5 and Primary 6.

As expected, Honghui failed to come back during the Chinese New Year. Even Lan Hui's nagging didn't help. These men always put their career first, not to mention that in this feudal society, everything is done according to the emperor's will. Whether he can pass the annual leave depends on Kangxi. Meaning.

That day, Lanhui was instructing her servants to place lanterns in the mansion when she saw Honghui's servant coming in. Seeing that Honghui's servant was back, she hurriedly asked, "Why are you back?" Where’s my brother?”

The servant knelt down and reported: "The master has just entered the city. He first went to the palace to see the emperor. The master specially ordered the servant to report to Fujin first. The master went into the palace to report to the emperor and then returned to the house."

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