Chapter 231-240

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Chapter 231 Poor royal descendants

After the prince was re-established, he became even more surly and arrogant than before, and he now regarded the eighth prince as the main culprit for his dethronement. When the court officials recommended the prince, as long as they recommended the eighth prince, the prince would remember them one by one. It was okay. Just look for trouble and attack dissidents.

For a time, the eighth prince and his party suffered a serious blow, and Kangxi did not care about the prince's actions at all. He was even more doting on the prince than before he was deposed. With Kangxi's support behind him, the prince beat and scolded his servants at every turn, and even the princes and ministers in the court ignored him. As long as the prince is in a bad mood, whoever encounters him will be unlucky, causing everyone around him to tremble and live in panic all the time.

The Eighth Prince and his party are suppressed in this way, but their leader, the Eighth Prince, still locks himself in the study every day, and does not care about anything except necessary matters such as going to court. It seems that he has no interest in living at all. .

The brothers also kept a low profile. The prince did such evil, not to mention secretly dealing with the women in the palace after Kangxi, or even murdering the eighteenth prince and Hongyun Junyao. What a big crime it was! Kangxi! He was stunned to forgive them all, but he could still dote on the prince as always, which really made his remaining sons disheartened.

The fourth elder brother is also keeping a low profile now. Apart from doing necessary errands every day, he spends the rest of the time in the house with Lan Hui to study the cultivation of crops, or to enjoy family happiness with his children. Even when he went to see Thirteen and Fourteen, he had to hide from the eyes and ears of others, for fear that the prince would get a muscle cramp again and find these younger brothers displeasing to him. You must know that Thirteen's "imperial account incident" and Fourteenth's "Baoba elder brother's incident" were both deeply disgusted by the prince.

The prince also saw that the fourth elder brother had "voted for him" when recommending the prince, so for the sake of "always being sincere", he did not go as far as the Thirty-Fourth who were friends with the fourth elder brother.

It's a pity that the fourth brother can be saved for a while but not for a lifetime. The prince still has a chance to humiliate these younger brothers who resisted him. Who can give him a chance? The prince's wet nurse, Kangxi, always felt uncomfortable every year if he didn't go on patrol. After the prince was re-established, Kangxi went on tour again. This time, he went outside the Great Wall. He brought his sons two, three, seven, eight, ten, thirteen, Fourteen brothers and seven people.

It is impossible to say that Kangxi was not on guard against the prince. Just look at the people he took with him when he went out. He was not at ease at all leaving the prince in the capital. Who knows if the prince would raid his home while he was away? In the same way, the same goes for the eighth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother. These two sons were very important to him in the past. Kangxi knew the ability to love and value someone. So the two sons were also taken with them at the same time for close monitoring.

The eldest elder brother was trapped, the prince and the third elder brother were both taken away by Kangxi. Among the remaining elder brothers, only the fourth elder brother and the fifth elder brother stayed in the capital to 'look after the house'. The fifth elder brother has always stayed away from the battle for the reserve. Firstly, the fifth elder brother was taught by the Queen Mother since he was a child. The queen mother is a very kind old man and is a Mongolian.

Because of her, the fifth elder brother has a very kind-hearted nature, and because the Queen Mother did not let him go to the study at a young age, so the fifth elder brother's homework has never been as good as that of the other elder brothers. He even learned Chinese very late. He is completely equivalent to a foreign language. His mother tongue is Manchu and Mongolian, and the most spoken languages nowadays are Manchu and Mongolian.

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