Chapter 121-130

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Chapter 121 Cousin Yajing


"Mom, let's hold the rice dumplings, shall we? We can play with Mama's snowball just in time. Honghui held the rice dumplings in his arms and looked at Lan Hui with big eyes. He looked like Lan Hui wouldn't let him hold him. As if about to cry.

Zongzi is exactly the name Honghui gave to the peony dog, which happens to be a homophony of the word "brown". This name was mainly chosen because of the brown hair on the dog's body. Xueqiu is a white peony dog raised by Concubine De. Honghui has seen it in the palace before.

Lan Hui looked at the cute rice dumplings and thought that she could take them with her later. Anyway, Concubine De also knew that the fourth prince asked Kangxi to give him a peony dog, so bringing it here just showed that he was not asking for it for himself, but for him. Honghui asked, so that Concubine De would not have a thorn in her heart.

After all, every time the fourth elder brother did something extraordinary for Lan Hui, Concubine De would immediately find trouble for Lan Hui. Lan Hui guessed that this was the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Her son must have been unhappy because he was focusing on his daughter-in-law, feeling that his son had been snatched away. Lan Hui guessed that Concubine De was like this now. Who told her that she was very fond of Brother Si now, and her love for him became more and more day by day?

When Honghui saw Lan Hui nodding in agreement, he jumped up happily, but his little body was not much heavier than the rice dumpling, so he almost threw the rice dumpling on the ground. Nanny Zhang and others next to her hurriedly stepped forward to support Honghui, and Bi'er felt relieved after taking the rice dumplings in his arms.

Honghui wasn't angry either. He didn't have much strength to begin with. He usually played with Zongzi on the kang or outside for a while, and rarely hugged it. Just now, Honghui took over to ask Lan Hui to bring the rice dumplings. Now Lan Hui agreed, and he naturally handed the rice dumplings to someone else.

Lan Hui stepped forward and took Honghui's little hand and helped him tidy up his clothes. Seeing that Honghui's little face looked flushed against the clothes, he nodded with satisfaction and called the four girls with pens, inks, papers and inkstones and Aunt Jiang and Aunt Zhang. The two mothers got in the car.

A group of eight people sat in two carriages. The large and comfortable carriage in front was occupied by Lan Hui and Hong Hui. The one at the back is for a group of servants. Sibeile Mansion is not too far from the palace, and it took a while for the carriage to arrive. After Lan Hui got off the bus at Shenwumen, she took Honghui's hand and walked along the Imperial Garden and Chengqian Palace to Yonghe Palace, where Concubine De was.

By this time, Honghui had already been picked up by Bi'er and was not allowed to walk on the ground. On this hot day, even Grandma Zhang and others were covered in sweat. Lan Hui was also afraid that Honghui would catch the heat again, but she herself was as usual, not sweating at all.

After several people arrived at the gate of Yonghe Palace with standard steps, they saw that Chunyu, the eldest maid next to Concubine De, had been waiting outside. Seeing Lan Hui and his party coming, they hurriedly smiled and said: "Sifujin and the eldest brother are here. Come in quickly. The queen has been waiting for a while." She opened the curtain and bowed to invite Lan Hui and Hong Hui in.

Lan Hui took Hong Hui's little hand and walked in. Concubine De was talking to a girl in scarlet. When she saw Lan Hui and Hong Hui coming, she said, "Stop saluting, Hong Hui, come and call Ma." Mom, take a look." When Concubine De said this, Lanhui and Honghui had just finished their salutes, but they also stood up after hearing Concubine De's words.

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