Part 44

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Since the last time i wrote, it's been so busy in my life like i have just been going hard as fuck with everything. I really need to chill sometimes. I actually started this out with "the past few days" but its literally been 6 days, almost a full fucking week, Jesus Christ . Well that could also be because i haven't taken a day off either. I ended up going in to close one night because Vanessa ended up calling in, it had been raining a lot where i live and her basement had flooded so she couldn't come in, very understandable. So i came in that afternoon and helped closed the store but i left at 8:30. But then i had to be back at the store at 6am. And then when i did that shift i did a full 12 hour shift, we needed to get a lot of the resets for the store done and a lot of the summer items out. Vanessa and I both did 12 hours that day. So it's just kind of been a very long tiring week for me because there is even more to it than just work. 

 Ironically, I annoyingly ended up almost not going in yesterday because my bathroom ceiling had been leaking to where i dumped at least 40 gallons or so of water. The worst part about that is the dumb ass maintenance in my apartments don't ever actually fix shit. They really be pissing me off too. A couple of weeks ago there was a hole bad enough from a leak that had eventually stopped, they came to fix the hole and when they did i had asked if the plumbing part had been fixed, of course they said yes. But then this past Friday i started dripping again but it stopped. And because the office was already closed at that time, i was just going to call Monday (today) to have it looked at. But then when i got home from work on Saturday, it was like a fucking nightmare. There was water absolutely everywhere in my bathroom and it was leaking all night long. I wasn't able to get much sleep because i would have to keep getting up and dumping the water bucket every hour or so. So around 6 or 7 am i called the emergency line and they finally showed up around 9am. When he did he came in, looked at the leak for literally a second and then was like "imma go upstairs". I said ok cool and then he legit just never came back. The water stopped leaking fully around 2pm. And i was supposed to be there at 12:30 that day. But i wasn't going to leave until there wasn't water coming out of my ceiling you know. Once the water did stop i got ready and went in. And being that it was a Sunday, as one can intel, it was already a busy hectic day at the store. To make things worse, there was only 2 people scheduled until open, Grant had to come in early. So you know just domino effect type day. There was a shit ton of pallets that needed to go out too. I got there around 3:45 and there was many fills that needed to be done. I was tired as fuck from the past few days already and the fact i only got about like 4-5 hours of sleep that night . I really had to push myself to finish the day yesterday. We also had a person that's been scheduled to come help out in there to close last night and honestly he fucking sucks and he is a liar and rude. There's a lot to this I'll probably get into but like having him there was putting a damper on things too because he was barely useful. We didn't leave until 10. Oh and we hadn't left until 10 Saturday night either. 

Saturday night was my first like real close by myself. No other managers or LSA's it was me in charge. The thing that all of us working there had gathered is that when you close for the first time with Aldi, it seems that there's almost always something weird or crazy that happens. For me, it was the fact that i had 2 trainees. That may not seem like a big deal, which it wasn't too bad, but what sucked about it was they didn't learn much before they got there and it was a busy day and it's really hard to train people on busy ass days like that. I mean they hardly learned anything at the training center like they where supposed to. I guess there was a issue with the person who was training them, like she wasn't constructive and she didn't explain things to them. I don't know, but it was hard for me because i had to go over everything with them to make sure they knew or understood things. It was honestly a lot, but the good thing is I do know how to teach people by being specific and i do know how to let people understand things better. They did tell me after learning with me they felt a lot better about a lot of stuff. And me and Vanessa explained to them that we aren't going to expect them to be fast at everything right away either. A lot of this job is something that comes with time, and it is a big learning job. I know when i first started it took me time to get comfortable with ringing it took time to just you know get it all. I do believe it takes everybody their own pace to get it, but most people it's generally 3 months or so before they can even do it all. I am optimist about these new people though, because i was being patient with them and they seem to want to learn and learn how to do things the correct way as well. That's the thing about this job too, there are a lot things where you can do the job to your own abilities as long as it gets done, then there are certain things that really need to be done the same way by everybody. The problem with that is not everybody understand that, or they don't care. And you can't make people care. Controlling people is one thing, but getting people to understand helps them care more. I'm trying to put into words what i mean by's like...If you can understand that something needs to go a certain way at least the majority of the time, and why, then you are more inclined to want to do it the correct way instead of however you feel like it needs to be done. 

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