Part 32

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I'm curious as to how long i want to keep doing this you know. Like i love it to be honest, but like when is it excessive. I mean we're well passed double digits but shall we make it to triples? Maybe we shall see i guess. 

I didn't write yesterday because it was like...i don't know i think i was really tired or something. I mean i did a lot today too but like yesterday it was like i felt i don't know maybe mentally tired i guess. I am excited though, i am packed for tomorrow because tomorrow after work Maria will be picking me up. I'm going to spend 3 nights and 3 days up North with my chosen family. That makes me happy. I feel like every time i don't see them for long periods of time it feels like a lifetime. They really are some of my favorite souls. Like i actually feel loved by them. I mean i feel loved in a sense by my blood family, but to a certain extant i don't feel as welcomed or valued. It's hard to explain. It's like i have always felt loved by maria and the kids, even at every point in the time they have been in my life, but by my blood family it's more like there has been various times I'd felt like unloved or alone. It seems like these days the blood family only really likes it when I'm around because they can talk about how I'm just so "independent" or like on my appearance. Some of them ask about my work or my relationship life...but for the most part they don't know me. And sadly i don't know them either. I think it's weird how like older generations are okay with minimal contact with family members. Like because I hardly speak to them, and it's been that way most my life, they don't know my favorite color, or what i like to watch on tv, or what music i like or anything little things i think that people should want to know about a loved one. I don't know. And honestly i don't want that with me and my nieces. I really do want to reach out to them more but it's just hard because of my sister and her boyfriend. They make it hard to be with the girls. And then at the same time my apartment isn't really good for kids to be around. There's so many things that can get broken or like hurt a kid in my apartment. So i can't really have them here so i get so confused. I think i want to bring it up with my therapist next. 

Today at work was actually the fucking worst. Like Vanessa called in because her basement flooded, which fucking sucks for her and i hope her stuff is okay. But That set EVERYTHING back at the store. There's a girl Hope that originally came to the store to clean but because we had such a set back with being down a person to take car of truck, she had to help with truck and ringing. Alison came in at 12, and grant asked if i could go in at like 9, but i didn't even get up till 10, and i wasn't even scheduled till 2 so i did go in at 12. I honestly wish for work reasons i could have gone in at like 11, but it wasn't going to happen because i legit came across a problem before i went to work. There was 2 different charges of over $50 on my account for Xbox and i did not authorize those. Nai nor Tone did it either so someone hacked my card. Because of this i won't be letting them use my card to buy shit on Xbox again. That fucked me and i got scammed. So i did have to dispute one of the orders because it was already processed, but before i did that i had to make sure i had enough on my PayPal for uber rides because when they disputed it they terminated the card that was being used for my safety. It was like a whole thing and i fucking hated it.

 So work wise, was already a fucking mess and personally was a mess a bit. I made it to work, and it was busy as fuck. Like the amount of customers was insane. Around just like 5pm there was almost 800 customers, that a lot of people in a damn Aldi. That's individual transactions. We really don't be having that many every day. I also looked on the weekly report that we have been doing to show if we meet the budget for the day or not but have surpassed it everyday by at least 3k. And that kind of a lot. Most stores barely make budget so we been doing good. Part of the problem today was kind of that girl Hope. Like i don't really want her back at the store if she's going to be working like regular stuff. I don't think she was too happy that she had to help throw truck because she originally was going to be doing cleaning. But with how the day was, it was honestly impossible. She was complaining about everything the whole time and she doesn't really shut the fuck up. Like i like people who talk and are friendly, especially if you're from another store, but like she wants to talk and not work...i don't do that. Like I'm trying to get shit done buddy, get it together. And She seems lazy. There was multiple signs of that. She had put out a new thing of water at one point, and she left the plastic on the outside of the pallet on there almost like fully...So i asked her later on, "hey do you guys like keep the plastic on your pallets that you park? " And she deadass said to me, "yeah we leave it on half way because the customers make it fall." ...At no store do they do that, it was honestly just a way for me to ask her goofy ass if that was her and to put that in a conversation. Then she said some weird shit like, "oh is that what you guys where talking about? I seen him looking at me." I honestly had no idea what she was referring to. Like she was on the other side of the produce table when me and Justin where on one side, and at no point was she even brough up. Like bitch you're not that special. Then at one point she was putting out some 6 packs of Gatorades, it happened to have a pallet on the top of it. And mind you anything that comes in that is like full pallets of stuff, it's always wrapped with plastic for protection. So the Gatorades where too. And i walked by as she was parking it and honestly seemed like she was going to only halfway take the plastic off like she did the water...AFTER WE JUST TALKED ABOUT IT AND I TOLD HER WE TAKE OFF THE PLASTIC. I stopped her before she took off the top pallet and i was like..."hey...are...are you gonna you know...take off the plastic?" She was like "i mean i was gonna cut it from the sides." But that's not how you do it. There is a proper way to do it for easier reasons too. And i was like, let me show you how i do it. And so i had her back the pallet up so you could get around it and cut it from the back side. But like She didn't even fix the waters either after we talked about it. And then, Justin legit had to finish putting her pallet of like soda and stuff out. She just left it in the back room, like that's fucking crazy. I mean if you don't know were something goes, just ask. We have walkies for reasons like that. And earlier in the day, she got on the walkie and had said, "hey I'm going to put this chocolate here but I'll take the top of it off later" you think she came back to fix it? No, Justin had to do that too. Why would you put it on the shelf at all without taking off the box? Make that make sense. And i was scrapping in isle 4, the canned isle. And that was a bunch of stuff from her pallet. And she put a full box of the pre cooked beacon in the shelf BEHIND some cases of the small cans of tomato sauce. Which she decided to make the tomato sauce 3 facing. Like 3 rows of cases next to each other...if you read the signs like you're supposed to when putting stuff on the shelf then she would have realized that it is only supposed to be 2 face. Tomato paste goes next to it. She just left the damn beacon on the shelf too, when she could have taken it to the back with the pallet she was using. And there was multiple times she did partials. That means she pushed partially empty boxes back to put new ones in front of it. It's not that hard to take the partially empty box down to put the new one in the back. Like you're supposed to. I don't want her back at the store for regular work. She supposedly was wanting to be a manager at her store. But if you can't do simple tasks at another store because that store needs help, and things didn't go how you wanted it to. What makes you think you would be able to handle the manager life. In the Aldi world, and you travel to other stores, you will generally need to do different things at different stores. I do believe that our store in particular is a bit more complex then other stores because the kinds of people that shop there and because of the pace and size of the store. SO our store for sure isn't for her, but also I'm a little disappoint that she came from NaTasha's store. NaTasha doesn't roll that way. Even when  she was just cleaning the night before she didn't seem to be able to do that in a efficient amount of time. She had moved the bottom row of boxes where the crackers are and she called someone over to help her because she couldn't put it all back for some reason. And i was standing there trying to figure it out for her, she legit had the nerve to say, "yeah i might just do this and call it a day, it is what it is." No bitch. It's not just whatever, there's a layout for everything, and this isn't even your store. Don't just come to places and fuck shit up, that's so rude. Vanessa told me that the night prior, the day I had off she was cleaning too and she had fucked up the chip area on the shelves.'s nice you're cleaning shit but like i don't appreciate you just doing what you want. Un-believable. 

The customers today where on another level too. It was like one of the worst nights for the customers. It was crazy shit, everyone, their kids and they granny's came in. There was huge amount of families that came in. They just kind of destroyed the store too. I don't understand why people pick stuff up, carry it around to part of the store and then just leave it anywhere because they don't want it. Today it was one of the worst. The reshop was so bad. It's really not a gigantic store. It would take not even 5 minutes to walk around the entire store, like the isles. It's pure laziness to me. And then the fact that some people think that, "oh it's not my job so i don't care," type attitude really bothers me. Then there is the people that don't even give a second thought to anything but what they want to think about for their personal agenda. I don't expect every single person to have those common curtesy thoughts, but the amount of people that come into my store alone that don't think of anyone at all but themselves is honestly just worrisome. It makes me really sad and angry at people and human beings. And then we have the entitled people. I was inside the cooler, trying to fill some milk and juices  because we where just out of a lot of stuff on the shelves. And the truck driver was bringing in a bunch of stuff. But then i hear someone come into the back room say. " HELLO??" As if they where looking for someone. So i step out into the back room from the cooler and i look towards the truck area and this old fucking mad was talking to the truck driver, and i hear the truck driver say he didn't work at the store. And i yell, "Umm excuse me you're not supposed to be back here." He was like, "I didn't see anyone on the sales floor so i went to find someone." I was like, "they're out there. what do you need?" and he's, "oh yeah, do you have French vanilla creamer?" And i looked through the cooler flaps and i didn't see any so i told him we were out. And he was like , "oh okay." And like squeezed himself in-between to pallets and said thanks. and left. I could not believe that that happened. Me and the truck driver looked at each other like what the fuck. We legit have a sign on out door to the back room that says employees only, And the door was closed so what in your right mind things you have any type of authority to go into a stores back room. The trucker driver said he thought he was like the milk delivery guy or something but then started asking him for shit. Even the driver was confused. People suck these days. I've never just took it upon myself to go into a back room of a store, and walk almost all the way to the back looking for employees. Some places are just low on staff. Like it was just a crazy ass day. Stuff like that happens sometimes but it's crazy because some people think it's okay to do shit like that. It's not. It's rude. 

Since I'm going to Maria's for a few days, i will be taking my laptop with me, but i don't know if i will be writing or not. We'll see i guess. I'm gonna get some rest for tomorrow because i know that it's going to be a long ass day. Night world. 

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