Part 41

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Its been literally days since I've  been able to write and i kind of hate that. but the thing is, i was simply so busy and taking care of myself and that i haven't been able to sit down and do much. I was actually supposed to be off of work last Wednesday and because April called in, i felt implied to go into work because it would have legit just left 2 of them to close the store. It's actually a great thing that i went in instead of April for multiple reasons. One being, it did get a bit busy at the end of the shift an customers fucked the store up, and we legit had to make the store look really nice before we left because the DM and the DM's boss (the big wigs) had to come to the store the following morning. We didn't leave that store till almost 10pm, and i had to be back there the next day at 6am. But it was also good i went in because Thursday mornings the money order for the store is supposed to be imputed and i didn't know how to do it properly because didn't show me the right way, Diamond did. So i did that that night before i even went in the next day. I thought it would have been easier seeing as my main job in mornings is to throw produce. That by the way is a BIG ass task. But the big wigs where please, and i made Vanessa's job a bit easier because she actually came in thinking she was going to have to do a lot of shit but i was able to help her out in the long run. But i did a 6am-2pm that day. But i was only able to take a small nap when i got home because i had to be back at the store for a store meeting at 8pm that lasted till 10pm. And then i had to be back at the store the next day AGAIN for a 6-2 shift. And then i had did some grocery shopping because i really needed stuff for meal prepping because honestly i really like the whole meal prep thing. It's easy convenient and a good idea for already made meals that are good and you know what's in them. But i shopped after work that day, came home, napped for a few hours then got up and cooked for legit 5 hours, another hour if we count clean up. Then i had to be back at work for a 12-9 shift that lasted till 10. I was so fucking tired at that point. Most of my day yesterday i had a huge headache, and i honestly think it's because i was so tired. Having to do 2 morning shifts in a row with little sleep is rough not to mention not having a day in 5 days at that place is a lot and very exhausting. So yes...i have been busy to say the least, but I'm getting paid more now so i guess that makes it a bit better.

Today itself has been a good day though, i have been very relaxed for the most part. Like yes I've cleaned and done a few things around the home, but honestly that isn't too much for me because i do upkeep the house for the most part. I have been having to clean certain parts of the carpet because the damn cats have sprayed in those spots and the smell is so strong i can't handle it sometimes. I do want to get them fixed, i just haven't had the means to do so; Money, or like transportation. But I'm doing what i can in order to make my home not as disgusting. 

I was a bit surprised this morning when I first got up because Nai called to wake me up and asked if i was home and i was like yeah. And him, Julie and his brother Shakur showed up at my place. That was a nice littler surprise. Especially with Shakur, i haven't seen him in person in a really long time. Like it's been so long i couldn't even tell you how long. He was always really cool, and nice an like fun to be around. His dad didn't like him living with Julie though for a variety of reasons and he ended up moving to Colorado. Their other brother did too, Sy. He and Shakur have the sane dad. Nai has a different dad and so does their older sister Sharlene. I'm not a huge fan of her, she is like too bougie for me, she seems to think she's better than everyone you know and i don't love that. But me and Shakur have always been cool, but when he moved i lost touch with him. I was realizing that i legit don't know anything about him. Like he's 22 now, and when he left he was like...i don't know maybe 10 or so. Around there so like he's grown now. He's also tall as fuck, he was always short when he was a kid so that was wild. He said he wants to hang out while he's here, which may or may not happen but like that would be cool. I had Nai send me his snap so i could like talk to him an shit you, get to know him.  I loved that little surprise i told that to Nai an he said, "yeah it made me happy too". I love my baby. I'm glad i got to see him today. The one thing that concerns me a bit about Shakur is like...i have a feeling that there will be a day when he wants to try to fuck with a sextual manor. He always had a crush on me when he was a kid so like now he grown, I'm grown and I've lost a lot of weight. Oh god, something is gonna happen watch. MARK MY WORDSSS. If anything every does happen i would legit never tell anybody because like Nai would prolly be pissed. 

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