Part 7

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Hope. That word means a lot and is different for most people. Hope can mean something that an individual would love to have or look forward to. It can mean pure strive for a situation or even a for longing want that an individual could crave. It's something that could be in short term or long term. It's a thing that some people need because it gives them a reason to get up in the morning. Hope for a better day than the last. Hope for a better job that the current one. Hope that you find the love of your life. Hope that maybe your living situation could improve. Hope that someday you can be happy in life and enjoy yourself and love yourself. Hope is something that every human lives with even if they don't realize it. Of course Hope can just be a simple name. I think the hope inside of a person is important. It helps us be open to possibilities to achieve the greater. Maybe even more then what we could imagine. Putting your trust in the universe can help a person have a positive out look on their life. And have that bit of hope for their future. But here's the thing. You can have the hope there too, but you have to be able to help the hope become the reality. It could stem from the smallest thing in the beginning but with the your own help of that hope each step along the line is a step towards that reality that originally a hope. You make your own life. You build your own future. What you can speak into the existence can become your real life. Manifestation at its finest.

My personal hope does range from a few things. Some of that being my hope for a life that i am proud of and a life that I'm glad to share with other people. Even if its as simple as me getting a hire position at my job currently. I firmly believe I already have it, I'm just waiting for management to get a person to take my current position. It feels like a damn rabbit chasing a carrot at the end of a treadmill. But that treadmill will stop soon and ill have a abundance of carrots. It almost feels stupid that i want a management job at a store as much as i do. But i feel like i will do really well. And i feel like I'll also have more of the authority i need to get people to listen to me. A instance today that happened was i was to go to break today and i couldn't until i gave the curbside phone to someone else. That's the phone that we use for online orders we prepare for curbside pick up. And in order to get everyone at that store to be eligible to do everything that needs to be done, you sometimes have to have them do things they don't want to. So i wanted to give the phone to April. The thing with her is it seems often she doesn't want to, or she's reluctant to do certain tasks because maybe she doesn't know how or she doesn't want to. But that's the job.  I told her i was going to be giving her the phone because i was going to break. And that's only 30 minutes, its not that long you know. She said with attitude. "ya'll know i don't know how to do that." And i was honestly confused by that because not only has she done it, she's legit done it at other stores when she traveled. So i had said, "well you've done it before right ?' She said, "well yeah but its been a long time i don't remember none of it." So, since i don't have the authority really to actually tell her what to do with strict instruction, i went to Justin the store Assistant manager because he really does need to get better with instruction the associates on certain things. And i told him, "hey, time to put your manager hat on and give this phone to April because she didn't want to take it from me." i left him and went to break. I don't know how that conversation when with them two but when i got back from break April had done a order and Justin had taken the phone back because he was done with filling the salads in the produce section. And thats fine just simply because he was going to quicker with it, but at the same time i do believe she could have held on it for the 30 minutes.  Which was what he really had to do as the manager on duty that's why he himself couldn't take the phone. And I wanted to keep Alison on the registers because i know she knows how to do curbside already, and April needs to know she has to do everything. Now the both of them still need to work on learning how to take car of other fills. April even told me later on, "Well i did it!" And she was proud. So sometimes i think she does want to try then there are times she is negative about a lot. I personally feel like she needs help because she has issues in her personal life, and i hope she can help herself in that aspect. Those are things that are empty or almost empty that can get filled with new or full pallets. They like our stores to look as full as we can make it. And like i said you have to do everything working there. But I think i delegate tasks very well. That is super important at this place honestly. And we really need to get people to do certain tasks in a timely manner. And it's definitely not impossible but it can be a struggle. And i really think if I'm given the opportunity i can do great. Plus i am good at telling people what to do, and calmly if i need to. A trait that i accumulated from my mom that I'm able to put to good. 

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