Part 16

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I had debated on writing today to be honest. I wasn't sure how into it I was going to get but then i noticed that I'm at 50 readers. And honestly i never expected even half of that not gonna lie. I'm not sure how much you may realize it but like I'm a very personable type and like the fact that my story has reached 50 people so far is really cool to me. That sounds so cheesy but i mean that. I mean I'm not really promoting it in any way and like i just wanted to start writing you know, and here we are. thousands of words later and over a dozen chapters. That's dope yo. So i just wanted to start with a brief thank you for reading type opening and i do kind of want some type of feedback soon from someone maybe??? Also like i hope that I maybe might make you feel better about your own situation you know. I don't know, but love you already oh my god. 

By the way, why the fuck is it Snowing right now. Its literally mid February like can you not? I can't wait till its going to be warm and i can like wear shorts and leave the house without a jacket or a damn coat. That'd be nice. I have thought about living somewhere that's warm year round. And maybe as a Christmas thing I'd want to go to some place just for a visit for the snow aesthetic but like I'm not a fan man. It's too cold and the air be too dry and i like actually still have to go out into the cold damn it and i wanna stay warm. I have a feeling that the store is going to get busy as fuck tonight just simply because people don't know how to act when the precipitation hits. And there's only going to be 3 of them. Actually this morning went well, i got the cooler done in a decent time. I want to get better though, like faster. I'm not sure how though. It'd just the meat part of doing the cooler that is the harder part because you have to take it all out the boxes and put them on the shelf and make sure the dates of when they expire is put with the oldest in front and newest in the back. We call that rotation, the same thing with most of the things in the store. Unless it's like a item that we know sells legit like everyday and by sometimes large quantity that's a thing too. Ugh this fucking lady came in and bought 3 full CASES of the damn regular hot dogs we sell...and those were legit the only ones. Bro this isn't fucking Sam's Club or Costco or whatever buy in bulk store you choose, if you're going to buy in bulk like that place a fucking order before hand. That's legit so rude and not fair to the common people that use the store as what it is a regular grocery store. And Vanessa even had to come tell the lady not to do that again. But we have to tell people to not do that all the time. It's very inconsiderate of others. 

I am debating on going to my favorite crystal shop. It's not just a crystal shop though, its also like a thrift store and a antique store its really cool. I get all my herbs and casting things there. I really want to get myself a stand for my incents, i don't have one. I legit just like have it resting on this little frog statue i have. It's 3 small frogs and they're sitting on a oblong rock. They have their hands up to represent the hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil from left to right. But the fact that their legs are all crossed differently and are like sassy as fuck is so cute i love it. But i generally just kind of put the incents that's burning in-between their little arms that are up and it kind of just burns down and ashes wherever i have it sitting. I should have gotten one a while ago but like i just hadn't been back there in a bit. Damn that reminds me i forgot to get the herbs that i can get from work. Majority of the herbs i use i like to get fresh and dry myself. I could buy them already dried but i feel like if i get it fresh and dry it its more natural you know? I plan on getting some star anise, which is like a star shaped herb or spice that comes from the Illicium Verum plant that's commonly used in licorice. But casting wise it is a nice tool to like represent luck, protection and warding off evil, money and even health matters. There's others that i wanna get and use just to try the new things but like its a new thing i want to try and i think that's another reason i enjoy being a modern witch because there's so many things you can explore with. 

I think I'm going to take a nap to be honest. Its not super late in the day right now, its 2pm literally so like mid afternoon. And I'm sleepy as fuck. I did get a few things before i left the store i got some chicken breast and we have good chicken at the store that i get in the family packs and i cut them up and freeze some of it and eat a lot of it. It was like 1.45 a lb or something so i only paid like $12 something for the pack. I can basically live on quesadillas or burritos. Anything wrapped in a tortilla shell. Shit slaps. 

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