Part 43

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i have never in my life seen such an amazing event. If you don't know, then you're literally living under a rock at this point, but the Full Solar eclipse had just finished up. If I'm not mistaken, it's still finish up passing. But IF you don't really know what it actually is, basically it is when the sun and the moon pass each other while orbiting the earth. Generally they are going opposite directions, but once, on very rare occasions it happens. But this time it was a bit special because it was the full eclipse, that means, it was so close to the earth that it was fully darkened and the moon mad full coverage of the sun in the middle of the day. 

There was a lot of people that thought that it was going to be the end of times when this was going to occur. That literally caused a panic buy from people. But the whole thing was an amazing experience personally. I didn't even have to be at work today for it all. But the cooler part to me is that i got to be outside and just kind of reminisce with it all. And i was able to set some manifestations while it was occurring as well. I have a really good feeling about my manifestations this time. That is a thing within itself but i heard that it had started i got a small late timing to my set up in my back yard. And i did know that there was going to be other people outside to witness it as well...but i didn't care. I also felt i want to say pure joy when it happened. It's hard to put into words how the sight of the full coverage itself felt. That is something not everybody will be able say they seen if they weren't paying attention or if they weren't like into the whole thing. I had a small alter up outside and 3 candles as well with stones and my fire safe pot (but for me its a big mug that looks like a cauldron that says "witches brew" on it ) and my moon water out as well. I was able to take some photos as it was approaching and then when it happened. The temperature had decreased, and nature became more present. There was literally like a bunch of bumble bee's out flying about. The birds got silent...there was a peaceful moment upon the Earth it felt like. As i was sitting there reminiscing i lit the candles and then i lit my manifestations i had written down on bay leaves. In the start, before it happened i would casually write down things that i really want and i will have come true for not only myself but those i even love. I feel that ,my personal thoughts, my manifestation is so powerful that i can effect my life and those around me. I think i was forgetting about that for a moment there and started to loose touch with it all. But today and the passed few days have reminded me of how much I am able to do with just my mind and my thoughts. 

As a random individual in the world, and in this universe i am one mere thought and in can only do so much. But I'm not incapable of not manifesting for more than just myself. I genuinely hope that some part human kind can come back to not being greedy, or selfish, and be able to open their mind and their souls up to other and helping each other in the long run. In this life it is hard to be genuine and good. It is hard to be pure and naturally thoughtful. Not it doesn't come easy to everyone. Some people it would take enormous amount of time to be able to see their full potential as a person, but i do believe that most humans are capable to genuine purity and compassion for others. There are times when people are like that unintentionally and the crazier part is a lot of the time they don't even know they are being that in that moment. Not until later on if they are thinking about it do they realize, and sometimes they won't ever realize. Merely because it is a part of the DNA of a human to have compassion. Human kind is meant to be that way. At some point in time, the people of this world decided that they want to take the easier way, and not have as much heart for the world and what's around them. At some point they realized that they could not only take advantage of nature, but they could also take advantage and manipulate other humans too. Even this here, what I'm doing. Typing on a keyboard, in my apartment, with air, electricity and running water i am in a sense participating in the selfish world of human activity. No i do not believe that we would have to go back to way of how things were prior to the creation of certain things, but there is a time i believe that people do still have the qualities and the potential to be good and care about the world around them.

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