Bitter Pages, Unchanging End

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I reluctantly turned the pages of my life story, gradually coming to the bitter realization that I was nothing more than a mere afterthought in my own narrative. My heart skipped a beat, not out of excitement, but out of a painful recognition that the timing was right, but the person was all wrong. The script of my life seemed tailor-made, yet the lines I uttered were laced with bitterness. The poems I crafted held fragments of beauty, but the rhymes were tinged with resentment. And to add insult to injury, I held a piece of your heart that would forever elude my grasp.

Isn't it bitterly ironic? Amidst the billions of hearts that beat in this vast world, I foolishly fell for the one that would never synchronize with mine. No matter what I do, it feels utterly futile. I find myself locked in a losing battle, an uphill struggle that began long before I even had a chance. It is a harsh reality that no matter how many times I revisit the pages of my life, the ending remains unchanged, a testament to the bitterness that permeates every chapter.

In the depths of heartbreak and resignation, I begrudgingly accept that some stories are destined to unfold in ways beyond our control. I carry the weight of this unrequited love, a bitter reminder of what could never be. Yet amidst the bitterness, I find solace in the strength I summon to endure such pain. For it is through the bitterness that I forge resilience, refusing to let the bitterness define me, but rather using it as fuel to navigate the uncertain paths that lie ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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