Journey Through Turmoil

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She came home, a picture of weariness and woe,
Sinking into a chair, like a fragile doll in tow.
Her gaze wandered, lost in the vast expanse,
A soul shattered, as if life had dealt its final chance.

But within those eyes, a hidden flame burned bright,
A determination to protect, to stand up and fight.
Though she had lost much, there was still something to hold,
A flicker of hope, a story yet untold.

Her presence captivated, our eyes locked in gaze,
Two souls connecting, in a world of disarray.
In her eyes, a mix of emotions, intertwined,
Anger and injustice, torment and regret combined.

Yet amidst the turmoil, a glimmer of strength emerged,
A resolve to endure, as her heart softly surged.
Her expression, a silent plea for solace and care,
As tears cascaded down, a burden too heavy to bear.

I wished to be there, to offer a comforting embrace,
To reassure her, that she's not alone in this race.
To let her know, her pain resonates deep within,
And together, we'll find solace, and begin again.

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