Echoes of Desolation: A Dance with Darkness

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When you beheld the hollow cuts on her wrists,
Did you dare to inquire, extend a helping hand,
Or did you avert your gaze, denying her pain,
Leaving her to bleed, unseen and forsaken?

As she stood on the precipice's edge,
Did you seize her trembling hand, pull her away,
Or did you, too, succumb to the allure of despair,
Pushing her closer to the pit of eternal dismay?

Submerged in the murky depths of the bathtub,
Did you snatch her from the clutches of drowning,
Or did you stand by, a silent witness,
As she succumbed to the suffocating embrace of misery?

As she convulsed, fighting against the rope's grip,
Did you grasp her waist, striving to set her free,
Or did you revel in her torment, a voyeur of suffering,
Watching her writhe, suspended in the grip of hopelessness?

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