Whispers of Wanderlust

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In the realm of fun, let me share with glee,
Five things that bring joy and set my spirit free.

First and foremost, there's reading, my dear,
A wondrous escape, banishing all fear.
Through novels, I journey to lands unknown,
Exploring realms where dreams are sown.

Writing poetry, my second delight,
A creative outlet, shining so bright.
I pour out my emotions, set them free,
Expressing myself through words with glee.

Traveling alone, an adventure untold,
Discovering wonders, both new and old.
Freedom and excitement, anxiety's foe,
Learning history, letting my spirit grow.

Nemy, my furry companion so dear,
Brings laughter and love, spreading cheer.
We take small walks, her hopping with glee,
I read my poetry, she listens with glee.

And lastly, music, a magical art,
Touches my soul, igniting a spark.
Lyrics and melodies, a perfect blend,
Connecting hearts, a joyous trend.

These five things, my sources of delight,
They bring me joy, day and night.
In reading, writing, traveling, and more,
I find happiness, my spirits soar.

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