81-82: Detective Agency

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Chapter 81 Detective Agency

Even if Shibusawa Tatsuhiko was finally serious and prepared to prepare, the shadow of Araki Kuyo had already torn apart the space created by the white mist. Shibusawa Tatsuhiko's chest was tight, and a fishy sweetness filled his throat. In just a short time, In a few seconds, he distanced himself from Araki Kuyo.

However, Araki Kuyo has entered this space filled with white mist. Although he cannot turn back to the guest, he can drive straight in and regard Shibusawa Tatsuhiko as nothing.

"What kind of monster are you?!" This was probably the first time Shibusawa Tatsuhiko encountered this situation. His bright red eyes were as deep as dripping blood, and the white mist that was originally floating gathered together as if it were a solid entity. Arrived at his side.

Araki Kuyo did not answer, he just raised his hand, and then the shadow moved according to his intention, restraining Shibusawa Tatsuhiko in it, and then made a grasping movement with his palm. The white unicorn who tried to resist soon had nowhere to escape. , was forced into a desperate situation.

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko's movements were so fast that he was almost too agile to be human. Under his control, the shining rubies flew out of [Tatsuhiko's room] and rushed towards Araki Kuyo who was stepping on the shadow.

These gems are not just pure gems, but also the crystallization of superpowers. Although Shibusawa Tatsuhiko has never used them, in fact, these superpower barriers can also be used after leaving the original owner.

If you are ambitious, you will think of using these superpower crystal gems on other superpowers or ordinary people. In this way, an army of superpowers with multiple abilities will be established in a period of time - maybe This is also a major reason why the Yokohama government invited Shibusawa Tatsuhiko and made a huge profit.

And in this dragon head struggle, the superpowers of all the superpowers who died in the war in Yokohama came into his hands - the ones that Araki Kūyo saw at a glance when he was kidnapped, almost reaching the ceiling. The collection shelves are now filled.

When each gemstone breaks into pieces, a special ability rushes out and attacks Araki Kuyo. Moreover, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko is worthy of being a superpower user with the name of [Collector]. Almost every superpower effect is He remembers all the abilities and abilities clearly - the red power gem exploded in mid-air, and a majestic blue dragon flew out, roaring towards Araki Kūyo's slender body, and Araki Kūyo The shadow flickered, and part of it quickly formed a solid wall in front of him to block the torrent, while the other part continued to rotate and condense, turning into a long sword and cutting off the head of the giant dragon.

Faced with his own moves being violently cracked, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko didn't panic. More rubies appeared from behind him, and then shot towards Araki Kūyo!

These superpower crystal gems were quickly knocked down by the shadow in mid-air. When those superpowers with different abilities were hit by the shadow, they could not withstand the force and shattered. When the various different superpowers were shattered together, they exploded into brilliant explosions. The fire was brighter and more brilliant than ordinary explosions.

Is Shibusawa Tatsuhiko a person who only knows how to throw gems when faced with a crisis? Of course he wasn't, so when Araki Kuyo's attention was focused on the supernatural crystal gems that were being thrown at him without any pity, and he manipulated the shadows to smash them in the far high air, there were a few gem gods. It rolled down to his feet without anyone noticing, and then broke automatically.

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