55-56: New World

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Chapter 55: The New World

Commander looked at the group of naked street children, and then looked at the supernatural beings who were still spotless even though they were sitting in an abandoned building. He felt sincerely for Araki Kongyo. The strength behind him trembled.

He replied respectfully: "This is not a deception, but a sincere invitation." After a pause, the colonel continued: "I will not lie in front of you."

Araki Kūyo did not find the colonel's identity from his memory. Face, but after thinking for a while, he said softly: "I want to take them with me."

The Port Mafia, this was Dazai Osamu's once possession, so if he waits here, he will definitely be able to wait. The unawakened cubs appear.

These children picked up Araki Kūyo. Even though they had very little of their own things, they were still willing to share what they had with him. Araki Kūyo accepted this sentiment and planned to repay him.

Not all gods are as kind as him, but the gods will not be stingy with their rewards when they meet humans who like them.

The colonel did not show any inappropriate expressions to these street children who exuded a dirty smell. He meekly allowed Araki Kuyo and these street children to sit in his brand new car, even if the street children were covered with stains and dust. He soiled the clean cushions without saying a word.

Although the leader of the Port Mafia was still suffering from illness at this time, he had not lost all his sanity. In the eyes of his subordinates, he was just a slightly stern and majestic leader. Therefore, when he saw Araki Kuyo, he made From now on everyone will be grateful for his decision.

He promised the rights and status that the colonel promised to Araki Kūyo. Even though he was not on any cadre list, his rights were no less than those of cadres.

Of course Araki has no right to interfere with some secrets, but just from his recognized status and power, the benefits and benefits he can obtain are enough to make others jealous.

But now that he is popular, no one will openly try to cause trouble.

Ryunosuke Akutagawa, his sister, and their companions never thought that today, they would no longer have to hide or be hungry, and could take a hot bath in a warm bath that was as spacious as a swimming pool.

However, unlike his joyful partners, Akutagawa Ryunosuke clearly knew the existence of the organization that took them in, and that once Araki Kuyo loses its use value, everything they enjoy today will be taken back exponentially. .

Although the washed children were thin, they still had the cuteness of children. Araki Kuyo yawned and invited them to sleep together on this big bed.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke, whose body was the most fragile, lay in the innermost place. His cold and pale body was quickly warmed by the body temperature of his companions and Araki Kūyo. Even a hard-hearted person would close his eyes when wrapped in such warmth.

"Why did you agree to that man?"

Ryunosuke Akutagawa looked at Araki Kuyo and asked in a hoarse voice.

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