41-42: Farewell

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Chapter 41:

After Dazai Osamu returned to the Port Mafia headquarters when leaving, the order was quickly issued in an orderly manner. Ozaki Momiji was quickly recalled, and then Nakahara Chuuya, the most powerful combatant, was asked to take over Nakajima Atsushi and Izumi Kyō. Huazhu came back - in terms of combat, Zhongyuan Zhong is also the well-deserved number one in the port mafia.

After returning to the headquarters, the lightness and joy that Dazai Osamu had when he was with Araki Kūyo disappeared without a trace, and his body became a bit more solemn and cold.

Even though his valued subordinates were kidnapped by the enemy, Dazai Osamu remained calm and motionless. Seeing his leader so calm, the disturbed hearts of the subordinate members returned to their stomachs.

Although when Dazai Osamu first took up the position of leader of the Port Mafia, he had so many people working against him, and he was wondering, could such a young guy really hold the place in check?

However, as Osamu Dazai issued orders one after another, the port mafia's tentacles of power had even expanded beyond Yokohama. Now they were all convinced. Moreover, Osamu Dazai's comprehensive and unpredictable attitude was enough to shock them. Those subordinates who have wandering minds.

The place where the gold train enters is the underground passage of the Port Mafia - the land nearby is privately owned by the Port Mafia. As long as the foundation is not dug down, there is no problem in digging as deep as you want.

"...Transport the gold nuggets to the warehouse. Be careful not to damage the silverware. After moving everything out, melt and recast the gold train." Osamu Dazai

planned to keep all the gold and jewelry. , as for those lifelike engraved silverware, Osamu Dazai planned to contact the Russian officials at some time and donate them - just in time, the Russian clerk he met during the Egg of Memories incident could come in handy.

Of course, it was not a free donation. Anyway, if the Russian officials were to cause some trouble for Dostoyevsky, and the state machinery would take action, even Dostoyevsky would have to put some thought into it.

After Kūyo Araki twisted the space and moved the gold train back to the Port Mafia, he silently returned to his and Dazai Osamu's bedroom, and then coughed out the blood mixed with some organ fragments from his lips. .

Even Araki Kūyo didn't expect that it was just a little more power. How could it be so bad?

In fact, if we want to find a similar example to describe it, it is Araki Kongyo who forcibly stuffed his spirit into an inappropriate body. However, his spiritual power was strong and tenacious, so it was this fragile body that suffered.

Just like if you wear shoes that don't fit your feet, it's your delicate toes that are worn out, not the shoes. It's the same thing.

Araki Kūyo carefully wiped away the blood and organ fragments that fell on his palms with paper towels without leaving any traces. Then he wiped his lips stained red by the blood. His jade-like face seemed to be white again at this moment. Quite a few.

He frowned and calculated. If he stayed with Dazai Osamu in this body, in human time, he would only have about ten years.

But soon, Araki Kuyo relaxed his frown.

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