79-80: Dragon Head Battle

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Chapter 79: Leading Battle

"You are right, the collective power is indeed very powerful, so I also tried to set up an organization - to pass the time."

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko stood in the square unharmed, appearing from nowhere. The superpowers that came jumped to help him deal with those superpower users who tried to surround him.

"Hahahaha... As expected of Bai Qilin, he has actually achieved this."

Dazai Osamu twitched the corners of his mouth and looked deeply.

"I'm a little tired of this title. My name is Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, the poison to end the struggle, the death to end death. This is the last fireworks, don't let me down who is bored."

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko said calmly road.

The toppled building violently impacted the square, and the dust raised was almost like a storm that lingered for a long time.

On that day, the headquarters buildings of all the organizations participating in the Dragon Head Resistance were destroyed, and they finally knew the true name of the enemy.

Dazai Osamu did not turn into an undead under the tombstone in the ruins of the building. When he realized that he was being carried while he was half-awake, he knew that his plan was on the right track.

But planning and executing the plan was more tiring than Dazai Osamu imagined, not to mention hearing the news of Araki Kuyo's death from Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. Even though he knew this would never happen, Xinsheng was still shaken by this.

In addition, the impact of the building's collapse was not without harm to him. Osamu Dazai's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally he slid feebly into the deep sea of ​​consciousness.

And not long after, probably less than ten minutes, when Dazai Osamu opened his eyes again, his eyes were no longer those of a young man, but they were filled with vicissitudes of wisdom and calmness.

Yes, after receiving successive blows, no matter how determined the young Dazai Osamu is, he will still feel sad and tired, because his consciousness has also fallen into a deep sleep, and the leader Dazai Osamu took this opportunity to let his consciousness rise to the surface. surface layer.

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko and his men probably didn't expect that there would be two consciousnesses in this body.

The leader Osamu Dazai looked around calmly and quickly determined what he was going to do next.

The enemies are Shibusawa Tatsuhiko and Dostoevsky. Shibusawa Tatsuhiko alone is extremely difficult to deal with. If Dostoevsky is added to the mix, it is no wonder that all the forces in Yokohama have been fooled. No power to fight back.

Fortunately, this time Dostoevsky did not end, but just watched from the outside, otherwise perhaps the gaffe would have become more troublesome.

There are many thoughts circulating in the mind of the leader Dazai Osamu. Since he is the one controlling the body at the moment, then he will use the plan laid out by his young self to completely keep Shibusawa Tatsuhiko here!

No, wait - if Shibusawa Tatsuhiko is left behind, and when he is invited back to Yokohama by his younger self again, he might be able to take advantage of that opportunity to completely occupy this body? If he could occupy the surface of his younger self's consciousness when he was about to die...

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