Then Yoongi looked at Jungkook who was now just playing with his food and not eating it. He spoke gaining his attention, "Whats wrong with you now, huh?" "N-nothing", said Jungkook. Yoongi knew something was up with Jungkook but didn't asked.

After a few minutes, Jungkook said to Yoongi, "You forgave us, hyungie? You are not angry, right?" Tae also looked at Yoongi with puppy eyes. Yoongi sighed and glanced at both of them and said, "Taehyung, Jungkook see.... I know I always put many restrictions on both of you but I did that to protect you both. I had no intentions to control your lives and---------".

Yoongi was cut-off by Tae in between who spoke with teary eyes, "Y-you need not to e-explain yourself hyungie. We know you did everything for our good only. Y-you can never think about hurting us. W-we know that. W-we were really idiots and stupids that we couldn't understand that. Please forgive us hyung.... please... we are really sorry." Before Yoongi could say anything, Jungkook stood up and went towards Yoongi and get down on his knees in front of him. Then he took Yoongi's left hand in his and said with teary eyes, "W-we are really regretting for not understanding you hyung and on top of that blaming you. W-we are really sorry hyung. Y-you can punish us hyung. We did a really big mistake. You should punish us."

Tae also went and get on his knees besides Jungkook and held Yoongi's right hand and spoke, "You know hyung, how much guilty I was feeling after I realised what I said to you in anger that day. H-hyung, you always corrected us whenever we do something wrong but why you didn't stopped me that day. You... you should have slapped me and locked me in my room and should have scolded me really bad. I deserved that hyung..... why didn't you do that? I... I am sorry hyung for hurting you by saying those mean and hurtful words to you. I hate myself for that. I am sorry hyung... I am really sorry."

Tears were flowing from Tae's eyes by now. Yoongi's eyes were also teary. Jungkook then spoke while crying, "I am also sorry hyung for everything wrong I did. I am sorry for always being stubborn and not listening to you. I know it s-should have hurted you alot when I made you abandon me. I am sorry hyung for doing so many dangerous things behind your back when on the other side, you were trying to protect me. I... I myself ruined all your e-efforts to keep me p-protected. W-when you told me not to come back to the mansion, I s-should have s-shown my stubborness that time.... I s-should have been s-stubborn that time and s-should have went back to the mansion.... back to my h-hyungie. I am sorry hyung for leaving you alone."

Yoongi didn't said anything, just looked at his brothers. Tae spoke again while tears flowing from his eyes, "H-hyung, you know when y-you were lying unconscious there on that h-hospital bed, w-we felt like our whole world s-shattered. You were looking so lifeless and w-we were broken after seeing you like that. We can never imagine our lives without you..... never ever. A-and when we were living in that apartment, i-it was the worst hyung. I never realised that I was so carefree in life and w-when I l-lived there with Jungkook alone, I c-couldn't manage anything.... I can't survive without you hyung. You are our everything.... our safe place hyungie.... our hero."

"Y-yes hyungie.... you are our superhero. If you are there, then we have nothing to worry about. A-and you have full rights on us. N-never ever think that you are nobody to us and you have no rights on us. Y-you are our everything hyungie and you have full rights on us. Even, we ourselves cannot snatch us away from you. We are always yours.... your little kids. You can always scold us, punish us or beat us whenever we makes any mistake", said Jungkook this time with tears flowing from his eyes.

Some tears escaped from Yoongi's eyes too. He wiped his tears and looked away. Tae spoke, "Don't cry hyung, please." Yoongi spoke still looking away, "I am not crying, something went into my eyes." Tae and Jungkook chuckled and said, "Still this old line hyung."

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