Start from the beginning

"Hey, it's still hot. Just wait until it cools down a bit. Be patient, no one's going to steal this from you, Chaengi," Mina scolds him in a slightly motherly tone.

Chaeyoung feels like he's been scolded by his own mother, his eyes blinking rapidly. "Uh, fine.." his tones out almost whisper. Though he's a bit upset and pissed off but he has to obey Mina.

Mina suppresses her smile as she watches the slightly upset Chaeyoung, maintaining her poker face. "Weren't you playing with Hoonie just now? Where is he? And where's Tzuyu?" she asks, her eyes and hands busy with the dishes.

"Hoonie is playing with Sana now. As for Tzuyu, he's out on the balcony, smoking," Chaeyoung replies casually.

Mina steals a glance at him. "Why didn't you join Tzuyu for a smoke? I thought you said you had a lot of things to catch up with him."

Chaeyoung clicks his tongue. "Tsk, well, I don't smoke, but I'd still like to chat with him. Maybe after this, during lunch. It's better to gather around and bragging about lot of past things."

Out of all the words that Chaeyoung utters, something catches Mina's attention. "You don't smoke? But you used to smoke, remember?" she asks, her forehead creased with curiosity wrinkles.

Chaeyoung suddenly chuckles. "Yaa, the word 'remember' can't be counted on right now. I lost my memories, remember?" He mimics the last word to Mina.

Mina gawks, guilt suddenly engulfing her. "Ehh, sorry Chaeng, I forgot that..."

"It's okay, Mina-yaa. I'm used to it. Sana also keeps mentioning the word 'remember?' to me. It pissed me off at first, but eventually she turned it into a joke and I just went along with it," Chaeyoung grins, looking at Mina, who looks almost pale with guilt.

Mina just smiles guiltily, unsure of how to reply, and continues her business with the food. Until Chaeyoung breaks the awkwardness again.

"But I actually wish to say yes to that 'remember?' question," Chaeyoung's voice hints at a bit of frustration. He looks at Mina, noticing her slightly regretful expression. The need to shift the slight sorrow atmosphere escalates, prompting Chaeyoung to playfully ask, "Since you said I used to smoke, maybe I should join Tzuyu smoking now, right?"

His question makes Mina flinch. "Yaa, don't...just don't start it again. I like it better now that you've stopped...I-uh, I mean, I like it because it's good for your health..umm," Mina stumbles over her words.

Chaeyoung lets out a small laugh. "Yaa, do you think I'm serious about that? Calm down, Mina-yaa, I'm just kidding around," he exclaims, observing Mina's reaction.

Embarrassment washes over Mina as Chaeyoung fools her. She takes a deep breath and then gives him a deadly smirk. "And I'm just kidding that I worry about your health. You can go around smoking and die anytime soon," her remarks are sarscatic, deeply cutting Chaeyoung's feelings.

"Aww, that's...harsh?" Chaeyoung playfully clutches his chest. "But if I died, do you want to see our child lose his daddy again?" he teasingly asks, but suddenly a loud thud echoes in the kitchen as Mina knocks his head with the ladle.

"What are you talking about ? Drop the nonsense, Son Chaeyoung," her remarks are sharp and stern, far from a joke as her gaze becomes a bit tense, mixed with sadness. Trying to hide her turmoil, she turns around, avoiding Chaeyoung's gaze.

Chaeyoung rubs his head. "Yaa, you are hurting me...I feel like my head is spinning right now...I can't stand any more blows to my head after the accident, you know?" he whines.

Mina abruptly turns around, nervously looking at him, but suddenly she stands frozen, feeling as if under a spell as Chaeyoung's idiotic smile, one she hasn't seen in five years, appears before her. 'Hmm, that smile??.. After all this time, you never changed. You are still that idiot with your idiotic smile,huh ?' Mina silently reminisces, a flicker of uninvited warmth passing between them.

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