Seeds planted/Pre- IW PT.1

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This is leading straight into Infinity War so don't skip out on it..


A large being sits on his throne as one of his children walk to him. When he reaches the throne he kneels but the man quickly waves him to stand.

"Maw.. which pieces are still standing?" He asks.

"Odin is the only one left Lord Thanos. However we cannot forget about Death's Herald." Maw answers.

"What i'm trying to do will help the universe and her.. She won't get in the way.. Besides, her herald isn't Odin." Thanos tells him.

"Of course sire." Maw replies.

"Locate your brother for me. I require his assistance." Thanos says.

"At once sire." Maw replies before bowing and walking off to complete his task.

"Nothing can intervene with the plan." Thanos lets out after Maw leaves.

"And what plan is that?" A voice asks causing Thanos to look up quickly.

Thanos doesn't see anyone so he quickly puts it together. He stands up slowly before walking to his console.

"Zandor, Zenthrax and Zavyn.. Where is your older brother?" Thanos asks as he sets the coordinates.

"Zane is out handling things as always." Zenthrax answers with a smirk and his arms crossed.

"Handling what you ask?" Zavyn asks for Thanos.

"It seems that the Zionite is still alive." Zandor answers causing Thanos's eyes to widen.

"The Zionite is still alive?!" Thanos asks as he's unaware.

"He most certainly is and that was supposed to be done along time ago." Zenthrax answers.

"Wait, how do you know? How did you four even escape? No being should be able to keep the book open that long." Thanos says as he walks back to his throne.

"No ordinary being should be capable of it but Y/N isn't ordinary." Zandor states as the three siblings follow.

"Father will be notified of this." Zenthrax says causing Thanos to shake his head in annoyance.

"That Zionite is a prefect choice for a mate." Zavyn adds making them roll their eyes.

"We need to take him out before we move on Odin.. What is Zane scheming? Why aren't the four of you together?" Thanos says to them.

"Zane, is harvesting a plan that will break Y/N mentally." Zandor replies.

"We will break him physically, haha!!" Zenthrax adds with a sinister laugh.

"Good, I will continue the search for the stones.." Thanos says.

"A little demon told me that your daughter knows the unknowable." Zavyn says as she walks slowly around Thanos.

"And that is?" Thanos asks after sighing.

"The location of the soul stone." Zavyn answers with a grin.

"Which daughter?" Thanos asks hoping it's not a certain one.

"Your favorite." Zenthrax answers and Thanos gets a hint of concern.

Marvel's Reaper ( Male reader x MCU )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu