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Marie's POV, just kidding still Emily's POV:

I walked back to the cafeteria and told my friends about what happened and with that excitement I went through the rest of the day. When I got home it got a whole lot worse, and not in a good way.

My Mom and Dad were in the kitchen talking about something, probably me. I stood in the doorway trying to listen to them, but that didn't work out seeing as Marie pushed past me and I stumbled to the floor. "Girls? Are you home?" asked my mother. She came into the room and saw me trying to get back up. "Are you okay Emily?"

"Yes." I said, fully standing now.

"What happened?"

"Mother considering that she passed out today and hit her head, along with opening the door and falling I would recommend that you see it unfit that she goes on her date Friday." said Marie. Seriously it's the first day and you're already trying to ruin my year.

"Who told you about that!?" I asked.

"I'm sorry," said Daddy walking in, "did you say date?"

"Yes, yes she did. And I'm going. You owe me for embarrassing me in front of literally the whole school." and with that I stormed off to my room. I slammed the door and fell onto my bed crying. Why does Marie have to always try to ruin my life, everyone loves her. 

After a little while there was a knock at my door and my dad poked his head in. "Emily?" he asks, "Can we talk?" he sat down on my bed and handed me some tissues. "Look, I didn't mean to embarrass you and definitely don't want you to cry it's just that you two are getting so grown up. The hair, the makeup, now boys, its just a lot to process. I want you to be happy and, only if you want to, go on this date. I know it's hard to be the younger one and yes sometimes your mother does play favorites but you are my favorite Emily." I rolled over and looked at him.

"No I'm your favorite child." I said. He started laughing and so did I. When he got up to leave he said

"Oh and just b/c I am allowing you to go does not mean I'm not going to threaten him at the door." Daddy told me. I smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Hey guys sorry about the late update apparently I forgot to set the publish schedule so pls don't hate me. I'm gonna do one more part, the date and then if you want send me requests. Oh also don't forget to read my other pjo spin off  book called the forgotten soul featuring some OG characters. Also first person to comment their fav ship gets a shout-out and a part about that ship luv ya -lightningbug-6 

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